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"FATE LIES IN YOUR HANDS NOW, malen'kaya luna." The woman from the dreams said. Her face was blurred this time. She always scared her as a child.

"Wait! Please, don't leave me here all alone! Please tell me what to do!" Nova ran after her, her white dress tripping her up slightly. "Please, Alina and Mal need me, tell me what to do!"

The woman turns around and stares at her, "you must be brave now, no more hiding away. You must fight, this is where you begin your journey as a moon maiden."

Nova felt herself falling, she couldn't scream or do anything, she was limp. But for once she didn't feel afraid, she felt real.

Nova awoke from her dream to someone pushing down on her chest. She gasps out at the pain and looks to up to the person. It was a male, a male heartrender who offers her a friendly smile, but he held concern deep into his dark brown eyes. Her chest felt heavy, it felt like she couldn't breathe, but the man called upon a healer. Nova couldn't help but panic and look for Alina, but she was inside a black tent and upon a table. She didn't know where she was, where was her friends?

The blonde was a bit disoriented, but she could still make everyone out. She felt herself calm down slightly, it made her turn her head to the side to see an expressionless heartrender look down at her with narrowed eyes. Tears gathered into her pain filled eyes, was she in trouble? She couldn't remember what she'd done, she always stayed out of trouble, did something happen as she blacked out in the fold?

A woman with red-hair came over and took off her jacket, she had a blue and brown eye, Nova couldn't help but think she was beautiful. But the smiling heartrender came back over as the older woman put her hand on her shoulder that seemed to have been broken. "Hey, sweet girl, just focus on me."

Nova did what she was told, the smiling man in red held her hands, she squeezed as she groans when she felt it go back in. A tear gently slides down her face, she no longer felt pain, just the small sting that came from the broken shoulder. The woman also seemed to patch up bleeding wounds where the volcra had picked her up.

The woman left, and it became dead silent again, except for the small chatter behind a curtain. Nova felt something cool brush up against her, she looked down to see black shadows, it appears she was the only one who could see it. It comforted her, but she still felt a little shaken, she sat up on the table and silently glanced at the heartrenders who were having a silent conversation.

"You gave us quite a shock." She stares at the kind man, "the first army guards brought you in, your heart wasn't beating, you were dead. We tried to start your heart again, but nothing worked, and then all of a sudden, you fought to keep yourself alive again."

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