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NOVA STOOD WITH MAL AND ALINA IN A TENT FULL OF PEOPLE WHO CROWDED AROUND and talked. She didn't know what this was for, but she held onto Mal's hand as his huge firm–rough one secured her small one, he gave her a gentle squeeze knowing she doesn't like big crowds.

"Alright, listen up." The Captain orders standing up so he was looking over everyone.

"I know some of you have been on the road for a week, so I'll be brief. Most of you will continue north to the Fjerdan frontlines, or doing to the Shu Han border." He began, "the second army, however, has a shiny new solution to our food shortage, and it sails tomorrow for Novokribirsk." He explains, Nova keeps her focus on him.

"If this model works, it means a full meal for everyone in this tent next week." Soldier began to mumble, " it means bullets for your guns and sugar for your tea."

"How about some whiskey?" Someone calls out, making everyone chuckle, Nova smiles.

"Yes, that would be nice, but don't hold your breath." Some began to groan, "of course, they need our help bringing those supplies back, so some of you will be assigned." He says, everyone seemed to grow quiet at this.

Mal turns to both girls, "there's nothing to fear."

Nova turns her head up towards him, "I will now be selecting names for what I call the 'nightmare lottery.'" Alina sniggers with smirk, so does Mal, however the small blonde girl quietly laughs through her nose.

The old man began to talk again, "for the supply run across the Fold!" He calls out reading from a book. "Sergeant Yure Teplov! Tracker Malyen Oretsev!" Nova had stopped listening, she gasps and looks between Mal and Alina. Everything seemed to drone out as she stares at the two of them with horror.

Alina stutters. "Did he...But you're in our unit." She says staring back in forth Mal and the older man.

Mal shakes his head, "uh..It has to be an error. It has to be."

"L-Let's hope so." Nova said giving his hand a gentle squeeze of reassurance, "we'll ask him later."

"But it didn't sound like an error, Mal." She gave Nova a frown before they turned back to the Captain.

"That's it. Dinner in one hour." He said dissembling the meeting in the tent.

"Mal." Alina whispers, but he smirks, "well, if it does work, I'll get to visit, Ketterdam." He laughs while Nova stares at him sternly, she didn't want him getting hurt.

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