then I got high!

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Me and Kat walk to her room.

We sit down and take out our homework

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We sit down and take out our homework.

K- I really don't wanna do this.

N- me either. Just cheat.

Me and Kat start our homework when Kat ask me. "Do you want something to drink?" I look at her. "yeah, water please." I respond before looking back down at my homework. Kat leaves the room to go to the kitchen. I start looking up the answers on my phone, because really, who actually does their homework? I finish up and Kat walks back into the room. She hands me a water bottle. 

k- I don't know how all my friends are so healthy, like i'm sitting here drinking soda, and all you drink is water. Like tf?

I laugh at Kat and began putting away my stuff. "Hey can i go change in your bathroom?" I ask. In response I get "Go ahead, and Norah you don't have to ask, just do it, down the hall." All i say back is. "okay, thanks, ill be right back." I leave Kats door shutting it behind me. I walk down the hall to the shared bathroom. I close the door and change into 

I walk out the bathroom and head back to Kats room

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I walk out the bathroom and head back to Kats room. Before i walk in, I smell the air. Shit, i knew Colby had weed. I knock on his door. "Coming?" I hear faint movement before he opens the door, I see him in just gray sweatpants with the rim of his black Calvin boxers showing. I stare at his body before I look back into his ocean eyes. I see his eyes red, I knew he had it. 

I put out my hand motioning my head for him to give me some. He smirks, sheesh, just the way he did that, ugh! He motions his head to come in his room. I walk in and smell a blast of weed right in my face, I cough a bit. He opens his closet grabbing a tiny bag, handing it to me. "thank you." I say looking at the tiny bag. I start backing up to leave his room when I bump into Colby. I felt his hand being placed on my hips, not rough, just his finger tips, almost like he was letting me know that he was there. I quickly turn around. 

N- Sorry.

C- Its fine, now go away loser.

N- Fine, bye L-o-s-e-r.

I spell out the word loser putting an L shape on my forehead sticking out my tongue. I walk out of Colbys room and walk into Kats. "what took you so long?" she ask. I hold up the tiny bag as I close her door.

K- No you did not! I swear to god he never lets me have any.

N- Yes, I did.

I sit on Kats bed as we roll it up and light it. We took a few hits and as soon as that we were already high. We were both laying down, I was on the floor, and Kat was on her bed. We hear a knock at the door. "what do you want asshole?" Kat yells. Colby opens the door. "Damn, did yall use the whole bag?" Colby ask. We both nod. Colby shakes his head, when I look over I see him staring at me biting his lip. I look directly in his eyes.

I smirk at him. "What do you want?! " Kat ask in a yelling tone while sitting up.

C- uhm, Just wanted to say goodnight.

K- night. Now get out.

C- I said goodnight loser.

N- Good Night Colby.

Colby closes the door. I get a pillow and a blanket from Kats bed. I put my phone in the charger and lay down on her couch. I look at her clock. "It's 1am, I think we should head to bed, I have to be home by 11 tomorrow.

K- agre-

Kat couldn't even finish her sentence before she feel asleep. I go ahead and get comfortable and eventually I fall asleep.
"I WAS GONNA CLEAN MY ROOM, BUT THEN I GOT HIGH!" second chapter, how y'all feel? Vote, comment and follow, have a good day bruvas! 🖤✖

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