baby, you make me crazy.

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I wake up and wipe the little bit of drool of my face. I look around and see I'm in my 2nd period class. I grab my bag and look at my phone, shit i'm late. I throw my bad over my shoulder and run to my moms car (I'm using it, bc she always uses a cab) . I get my phone and text sam.

 I get my phone and text sam

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(I ment to put 5, sorry)

I start my moms car. I park at Sam's house. I get out of my car and walk up to the door. I hesitate to knock but I do. I wait a few seconds before Sam opens the door. "Hey" he says before he hugs me. When he hugs me he places his hand on my lower back, making my spine shiver. I place my hands on his chest. He pulls from the hug moving his hand to my hips. We lock eyes, he goes to lean in for a kiss but I pull away. "I- uh, we should go inside." I say.

S- "yeah, okay, good idea"

Sam let's me in and he shows me upstairs to his room. He opens the door and shows me his room.

N- "nice room, loser."

I say walking in. I flop down on his bed and he lays next me on his stomach. My crop top was lifted, showing a bit of my stomach. Sam turn to his side looking at me. I turn my head to look at him. "What?" I giggle. Sam grabs the side of my neck and leans down, he touches our noses. I look into his eyes, they reminded me of Colby, I look at his lips, then back to his eyes, I hesitate to kiss him, but I do.

I pull from the kiss as Sam moves up to his backboard. I take off my shoes and sit on his lap. He places his hands on my butt, moving my hips. I start doing it on my own. Sam goes to kiss me and moves the hair covering my neck out of the way. "What that?" He ask, stopping my movement.

"It's, uh, I burnt my neck this morning." I say hoping he won't ask if it was from Colby, he knows that we had sex, but he thinks that was it. Sam nods and just places his hand softly over it. He starts moving my hips again as he re connects our lips. He moves his hands up my body, lifting up my shirt. He looks at my purple bra. I collide our lips again then pull from it one more time to take off his shirt.

I look at his body, I mean he had abs, but man those nips. I tried so hard not to laugh. Sam looks at me concerned. I just smile. Sam then flips us over so he's on top. He began taking of his pants, leading to mine. He looks at matching underwear and smirks. His smirks, dammit, I can't stop thinking about colby mother f-ing brock, I realized tha colby had just saw me in the underwear.

I ignore my thoughts Sam's kisses up my stomach, stopping at my chest. "Are you sure, we can wait" Sam asked waiting for my permission. I nod. He continues.He unclips my bra with one hand throwing it somewhere I'm his rooom.He moves from my chest to my arm, then from my arm to my neck. He kisses it gently, leaving the feeling of his lust. Sam then grabs ahold of my wrist, pinning them above me. Man he was turning me on.

He kisses from my neck to my cheek. He pulls from my face and locks eyes. His eyes fill with lust as he moves one of his hands down my stomach. I feel him at the edge of my underwear. He plays with the rim, until, with no warning, he sticks his fingers inside me  making me moan instantly. I pull my wrist from his hand and cover my mouth trying to contain my moans. "It's fine, no ones home" Sam says. I un cover my mouth, as Sam curls his fingers Inside me. I moan louder than last time. Sam pulls his fingers out, then moves down lower on his bed. He pulls my legs towards him. He then takes off my underwear. He opens my legs and sticks his head in between my thighs. God, he was good, better than Colby had did.

I let out a hitched breathe as Sam flicks his tongue. I bite my lips and I grip his hair, getting a fist full. "Shit!" I moan out as Sam flicks his tongue faster. He then leaves tiny kisses up to my stomach then to my lips, he kisses me. He then leans over me opening his bedside table drawer. He grabs a golden packet and then opens it with his teeth. He takes off his boxers, I look down, he was not big as Colby, but definitely close.

He puts on the rubber and gets close to my entrance, "are you positive?" Sam ask one more time. I nod again. He slowly puts himself in me, moving his hips at a slow pace. There was pain, but it turned it pleasure. "Faster" I moan. Sam listens as he moves his hips faster, thrusting into me fully. I let out a few moan and sam bites his lip, containing himself. I'm glad no one was home otherwise they would probably hear the sound of our body's hitting each other.

I let a few more moans escape my mouth before I already felt my legs weak. I felt Sam's paste become slower and sloppy. "Sam" I Moan giving him the sign. He nods, agreeing that he was close to. He pushes into me one good time hitting that spot, making me release instantly.

Sam pulls out throwing the rubber in the trash. He puts back on his boxers along with some PJ shorts. I look at Sam's clock, it was 7pm.

N- damnit.

S- what's wrong?

N- I was spose to be home by 6, my aunt is coming. My mom's gonna kill me.

I get up and start collecting my clothes, when Sam says. "Stay, I have a shower, and extra clothes for you tomorrow, and besides, your already late so." I give him a weak smile.

"It's getting hot in here, so take off all your clothes" I'm sorry 😂😂. Any whose, what y'all think if this chapter? Comment, vote and follow, love ya 🖤✖ losers, jk!

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