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"You love me? I thought you said we were just friends" I say.

C- I said that because I thought you rather be with Sam.

I don't say anything I just push my head into Colby's chest.

N- "I'm not going to school tomorrow, Kats gonna hate me and Devyn! I- I can't believe myself, like I'm such a horrible friend."

Just as I say that kat text me.

I show Colby and he nods

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I show Colby and he nods. We stand up. I grab some shorts and put them on. I put my hair in a messy bun and put on my vans. We walk down stairs and out to Colby's car. He opens the door for me and I get in. He closes the door then gets in on his side.

He starts the car and drives. I gaze out the window as a tear falls down my face. I feel a hand on my thigh. I look down and slightly smile. "It's going to be okay, if no one is there for you, I am." Colby says. I just nod as I look out the window.

We arrived at their apartment and we go in. The door was locked and Colby didn't have his key so he knocked. He tries to grab my hand but I pull away. Kat opens the door and looks at me, then to Colby, then back to me. She rolls her eyes as she let's us in. "Kat please let me ex-" I was Interrupted. "Sit" is all she says. We sit on the couch and Kat comes over.

She sits down. "Do you like him?" Kat ask. It gave me flashbacks right before me and Sam started dating. "Who" is ask as another tear falls. "Colby, who else" I just nod.

K- "Colby, do you like Norah"

Colby looks at me and nods.

K- "okay, then why the hell are you still with devyn, and why would you sleep with your best friends boyfriend, wait don't let me forget, MY BROTHER!"

N- "kat, I'm sorry, I was horny and it just happened, then the second time, well the second time was my fault. "

K- "dammit, it happened twice"

Kat began yelling. Colby stood up.

C- "you know what Kat, you can be mad at her all you want but I love her, so if you should be mad at anyone it's me."

K- "I'm not mad at Norah, but what, did you just say you love her?"

C- "yes I do, and I don't know if you noticed but devyn treats both me and her, LIKE SHIT!"

Kat takes a big breathe and sits down.

K- "okay, uhm, How are you going to tell Devyn?"

Kat seemed to calm down. I furrow my eyebrows at her. "are you not mad?" I ask.

Kat looks at me, with pity. "no, do you love Colby?" she ask while eyeing both of us down. I Shrug my shoulders because I wasn't sure yet. She just nods. 

"Okay uhm we will tell Devyn tomorrow." Kat says, me and Colby just nod. "I guess I should head home" I say.

Colby looks at me. "stay" is all he says. I then look at Kat, she nods her head. "Kat, can I- uh- talk to you?" I ask. She stands up and we walk out of the apartment standing in the hallway. "Please, don't make this awkward between us." I say. Kat wipes my tears, "its not, ill have to get used to you grinding coochies with my brother but, ill get over it." Kat says. I giggle a bit and she laughs with me. "Norah listen, I'm not going to give up on our friendship just because of my brother, I love you." Kat says again. I smile as I hug her tightly. "I swear to go though if I hear y'all, I will literally kill myself, I don't wanna hear that." Kat says as she pulls from the hug.

I laugh as we walk back into their apartment. Kat closes the door.

C- "are y'all okay now?" 

Kat look at me.

K-"yeah, but Colby, keep your touchy self off around me." 

C- "Okay, okay I get it"

Me and Colby laugh. "do you want me to sleep in your room Kat." I ask. When I say this I see Colby look at me with a sad face."No its okay, goodnight, love you." Kat says as she walks into her room. "love you too!" I yell. I feel an arm around me, I look up and see Colby, he kisses my forehead. "that went better than expected." He says. I nod as I wipe my smeared mascara. We walk into Colbys room. I take off my shoes and lay down. Colby lays next to me, he puts his arm over me, pulling me close to him. I smile.

"will you be my girlfriend?" Colby ask. I look at him. "I don't know Colby, I just go out of a relationship, and its just been to much today." I say, Colby just nods and kisses my forehead as I dig my head into his chest.


WELL, UMMMM, HA! vote, follow and comment please. LOVE YA LOSERS <3.

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