choose fast

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M- "can- I ta- talk to you?"

N- "fine."

I get off of Colby's lap and walk out my room closing my door.

M- "why the hell is he here?"

N- "he came in through my window."

M- "weren't you just on a date with Sam?"

N- "yea- yeah I was but Mac, you cannot tell Sam, it will break him. I like Colby, I always have."

M- "then why the hell did you go on a date with Sam. "

N- "it was more of a forceful date, it was spose to be a habg out. Thing is though, I like Sam, but I also like Colby, which is confusing and I dont wanna hurt dev-"

M- "I don't wanna hear your girl problems, just chose, and fast, otherwise this is gonna come back and bite you in the ass."

N- "what are you, my dad."

M- I'm serious Norah.

Mac walks into his room. "Ooo scary Fithteen year old, im so scared!" I whisper as I walk into my room. I look around and see colby gone. Wow he just gonna dip like that, okay. I turn off my t.v and led lights. I Lau down and get try to fall asleep. Eventually I drift to sleep, hugging my body pillow.


I wake up and look at the time, I heared my alarm go off. I see it's 7:30. Shit, I'm late. I jump out of bed, not rushing, because I'm already 30 minutes late to school. I do my hair and fast makeup. I put on a basic outfit and earrings.

I grab my book bag and leave

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I grab my book bag and leave. I drive to school (in my mom's car) . When I arrive the halls are empty. I go to my locker quickly. I start putting my stuff away just as I'm closing I feel someone. I look and see him.

He pins my hands above my head, the empty halls echo with a slam of the lockers. He gets close to my ear. "So you like me, huh?" He whispered. A spine shivering chill was sent down my body. He began kissing my neck leaving one hickey before pulling away. "Answer the question." He whispered again pushing my arms harder into the locker. I gulp. "Yeah.... "

He's  never acted or been dominant, from what I have seen. "Choose me." He whispered. He kisses my neck nibbling, leaving me with pleasure. "Colby not here." I whispered. He looks me in the eyes. I lock with his ocean eyes.

"Let's take this to the bathroom." I say. I grab his hand and bring him into the bathroom. I bring him into a stall and close the door. He didn't hesitate to slam his lips onto mine. As we are kissing he licks my lips for entrance. I let him. As we are making out he runs his hand up my shirt, rubbing my sides. He lifts up my shirt. Pulling from the kiss to get it off me. He stares for a minute.

I then pull off his shirt to then quickly connect our lips again. I the pull off my pants, leaving me in my lingerie. He look me up and down before smirking. "Jump" his whispered. I jump wrapping my legs around him. I hear the bathroom door open, then close. "Colby, stop" I smack his arm, getting his attention off my neck. "Someone's in here. " I whispered quietly again. I pull my pants back on. Along with my shirt. Colby stands on the toilet to hide his feet. I "flush" the toilet and walk out the stall to see Kat and devyn.

"Oh shit, heyyy." I expand the y. They both look at me.

D- "hey girl!"

K- "bestayyyyy!what are you doing in here?"

N-" uhm *clears throat* skipping.

D- "what's on your neck."

N- "nothing!"

Devyn continues to get close to my neck, grabbing ahold of the side. "Is that a hickey!" Devyn yells as hers and Kat's eyes widen.

N-"no, I burnt my neck."

D- "Mhm, what did you and Sam do, y'all little nastys, I whish Colby would do stuff with me, only thing we have done is make out."

N- "oh, I mean we have done more."

I did not just f√cking say that! I did, dammit.

D- "you and colby?"

Ohhhh, shittt.

N- "what, no! Me and Sam, we had sex in 10th grade, he took my virginity, it was a first time drunk."

I try playing off, me and Sam never had sex. I was just trying to comeback from what I had said. I realized colby was still in the stall.

N- "um, y'all head to class, don't wanna mess up ur grades right?"

They give me a werid look, but go along. The eventually leave. "Are they gone?" Colby ask. "Yup" I pop the p. Colby comes out the stall.

C-" did Sam really take your virginity?"

N- "no, I had to come up with something, why?"

My eyes widen as I turn to Colby.

N- "is Colby brock jealous?"

C- "what, ohh, noo"

N- "I think you are, can you not take the fact that other guys hands were all over my body!"

I get close to Colby, teasing him. He didn't like it. He grips my waist pulling me in tight. I gasp in shock. He gets close to my face, he leans in, making the tips of our noses touch. I pull away.

N- "I gotta get to class"

C- "okay, see you later, babygirl"

"Babygirl" damn, I didn't know he could get any hotter.

I grab my bag off the counter, and walk out the bathroom. I head to my 2nf period class, as it has started all ready. I start thinking about Colby, and smirk. "Miss Allen, are you paying attention." Mr. Brook ask catching my attention.

"I mean I would, if I cared, but you want me to be honest, I wasnt." I snap. He gives me the stare. The  continues to write our homework on the board.
"My names colby brock and my a$$ is fat, I'd f√©k your b!t©h but your b!t©h is wack,With the trap boys, yeah we clap our cheeks (uh) Haven't seen a girl in almost 7 weeks I'm the emo god you probably heard my name, I try really hard but I got no game, it's okay tho, I got all my bros, get away from me you stinky a$$ hoes!" *sprays Fabreez*  Vote, comment and follow, please, love you 😂✖. I'm also done with school. So I'll update more often.

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