last chapter

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*1 year later*

Norah lives with Kat and colby and they all go the same college. Norah and colby are dating.


He places his head in the crook of my neck as I let out a moan. He thrust into me harder making my screams escape. I rapidly moan his name. Colby smashes his lips onto mine, to make me be quite. Kat wasn't home, but other people definitely could hear us through the wall.

I pull from the kiss to let out another moan. I throw my head back, arching my back. Colby grabs my legs putting them over his shoulders. He digs his nails into my hips as another scream escapes.

There was a knock at the door but me and Colby ignore it. Colby bites his lip containing himself as I let out a few more moans. He finds that spot and began thrusting at a un humainly way. At that I released and so did Colby. He pulls out and flops next to me as the room fills with our heavy breathing. I turn over as Colby turns his head. "That was good" Colby says as he let's more breathes escape. I nod my head.

"Hey, uh, guys, next time, make sure you do it after I leave for work" kat says from outside the door, I thought she already left.

Me and Colby look at each other and laugh. "Uh, sorry!" I yell. I get out of bed trying not to fall. I look down at my legs that were shaking. I put on some shorts and and Colby's shirt. "Can you stop stealing my clothes!" Colby jokes. I look at him and smirk. I walk out of his room, shutting the door. I walk into the kitchen and get a cup. I began putting ice in it, I get a soda and pour it into the cup. I took a sip, Kat the walked in the kitchen. "Hey" she says.

"Hey" I say back. she then looks at my legs, and raised her eyebrows. She opens her eyes wide as she shakes her head. "Uhm, okay" she says. I almost choke. "Ima go back, into uh my room" I say as I walk back in there. Colby was on the phone, "okay, yeah, uhm I'll see you later, bye." I close the door. "Who was that?" I ask.

C- "no one, just an old friend"

N- "oh okay, well um, wanna go out to eat tonight?"

C- "well, the " old friend" wants to meet, if you wanna come, we are going to Buffalo Wild Wings."

N- "uhm sure, what time"

I lay on top of Colby, crossing my arms as he plays with my hair.

C- "uhm, let me check."

Colby checks his phone.

C- "seven"

N- "that's in two hours."

C- "yeah, that leaves us enough time fo-"

N- "round two?"

Colby smirks at me. As I take off the clothes I just put back on.


I lay under the covers as Colby pulls me close to him as breathes escape our mouth. I put my leg over his. He moves my hair behind my ear and connects our lips. "Think kats gonna say something?" Colby chuckled. I smile, "probably" I say as I lean in for another kiss. I then feel Colby's hand on my butt. I smirk as I push it off. "I'm going to get dressed" I say. I go to get up but Colby pulls me back down tickling me.i laugh as I slap his arm.

I get up and go to the shower, my legs were uncontrollably shaking. I get in the shower and turn it super hot. Colby walks in the bathroom, naked, as I'm guessing he hasn't pit on clothes yet.

C- mind if I join?"

I open the shower door for him to come in. He comes in and began washing his hair. I go to get the body wash but I drop it. Colby looks at me then the bottle. "Go ahead, pick it up" I slowly bend down picking it up then quickly come back up before he slapped my butt. I turn around and laugh, "you didn't get It this time. " is that right" Colby smirks as grips my waist pulling me close to him. He leans his head down and kisses me, I put my hands on his chest as I feel a sharp pain on my butt.

I gasp into the kiss. As I pull from it I giggle. I then wash my body and shave. I get out and Colby gets put after me. I do my make up, then my hair. I then walk into the room where Colby was already ready, sitting on his phone. I smile. I drop my towel, I see Colby from the Conner of my eyes watching me. "Hey, eyes to yourself Brock" I say. He bites his lip and nods, looking back at his phone. I put on a brand and underwear then get dressed.

"Ready" I ask

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"Ready" I ask. Colby nods. I grab my purse, putting my wallet and my phone on there. Colby turns off his light and closes his door. He places his hand on my lower back as we leave. We head to the parking garage and get in his car. He drive to the restaurant and when we get their we take our seat. "Where are they?" I ask.

C- "more like a he, I don't, should be here soon"

Right as he says that I see him, Samuel John golbach. Colby stands up and hugs him. Colby then sits right back down next to me and Sam sits across from us. I take a big gulp as he looks at me.
That's the end, I hate this book honestly, but I'm making a new book called my girl, and also I need yalls opinion should I make a Sam golbach story??? I don't know but vote, follow and comment.

I should be making the first chapter of my girl tonight or Tomorrow morning. Anyway love y'all ✖🖤

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