uhm hi.

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Chapter song: bubble gum bit©h, by marina and the diamonds.

I get up and start collecting my clothes, when Sam says. "Stay, I have a shower, and extra clothes for you tomorrow, and besides, your already late so." I give him a weak smile.

*end on recap*

I agree. "Can I borrow a big shirt, to sleep in?" I ask. Sam nods and get me a big shirt out of his dresser. He hands it to me and I put it on over my underwear.

I look at Sam and see him just in some shorts

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I look at Sam and see him just in some shorts. I smile and smiles back. "Hungry?" Sam ask.

N- "I could eat."

S- "alright let's go get something"

N- "okay"

I go to grab my phone when Sam picks me up. I kick my legs begging for him to put me down as he tickles me. He pits me down and I jump on his back. We were laughing. He walks out his room shutting the door behind him. He walks down the steps with me still in his back. I kiss his cheek and he smiles, I giggle. Once we get into the kitchen Sam turns on the light. He sets me down and looks in the fridge.

S-"ooohh what if we make brownies?"

N- "sure, loser!"

I giggle.

Sam pulls the milk out and gets a box of brownie mix. I look for the bowls and I find one. He makes the mix, he piuts the mix into the pan, putting it in the oven. Sam uses a spoon to eat the rest of the brownie batter. I smile. He looks at me watching him and he gets some on his finger wiping some of the brownie mix on my lip. I look at him and laugh, I lick my lips. I get some from the bowl and put it on his face. "Aw, you got it on my cheek." He laughs. I giggle. I get a napkin and get close to his face, I wipe it off his cheek and he smiles. He grips onto my hips.

"You still got some on your lip." Sam says. I go to wipe it off but Sam kisses me. I smile into the kiss. As he kisses me I feel something on my face, I pull from the kiss and realize he put my on my face. "Ugh I hate you." I laugh. Sam wipes it off and kisses again. He sets me on the conter fitting in between my legs. He puts his hands on my hips. He kisses my cheek, then my jawline, "sam? Who's this and why are y'all making out on my counter." I jump down. I nervously stand besides Sam.

S- "hey, uhm, mom, this is Norah, you rember her right."

Mg- "ohhhh Norah, hey, you look so different, how long has it been, two years."

I look at her.

"Uhm yeah, nice to see you again Mrs. Golbach, how have you been?" I ask.

Mg- "I have been good, you two look like you Doug even better."

I blush a little.

Mg- "alright Sammy I'm going to bed, don't forget to clean up your mess, goodnight love you."

S- "okay, mom, love you too."

Mrs. Golbach walks into her room. Me and Sam look at each other and laugh. Then the oven beeps. The brownies were done. Sam gets then out the oven turning it off. "Im not really hungry anymore" Sam says and neither was I. Sam just puts it in the fridge and we clean up. I grab a water and walk back upstairs to Sams room. He turns on his t.v and we lay on his bed. He put his arm over me as I lay my leg over his.

We began watching the movie, I got a notification and checked it, it was Kat.

I put my phone down and as soon as I do Colby text me, I pick it back up

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I put my phone down and as soon as I do Colby text me, I pick it back up.

S- "who are you texting?"

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S- "who are you texting?"

I put my phone down, "just kat." I tell Sam. "Oh, okay, you can keep texting her, I just wanted to know." Sam says. "It's fine" I say. Sam then turns to his side and put his arm over me. He moves it down to my ass, squeezeing it. I smack his arm, not hard, but in a playful way. I giggle. I then take out my phone and recorded a video of us. He kisses me and I smile.

"Are you posting that?" Sam ask. "No, do you want me to?" I question. Sam nods, I realized that Colby has my snap, but really we went dating, we are just friends so.

I post it to my snapchat. (Just pretend that the dude is Sam)

 (Just pretend that the dude is Sam)

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Sam puts the blanket over us. I turn over as he spoons me. He puts his arm over me. I smile as I slowly drift to sleep.

Filler chapter. Who do you guys ship, Norah and Colby or Sam and Norah? Anywhoses, vote, follow and comment, love ya bruvas!!!!

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