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I wake up and hear a shower going. I get out of bed and adjust to the light. I remembered I was in Sam's room. The shower turns off and Sam walks out in just a towel. "Morning, uhm your clothes for school are right there, my mom gave me some leggings for you, and that's my hoodie and jacket." Sam says.

"Thank you." I get up and take off my shirt forgetting I didn't have a bra on. I quickly cover myself. "Relax Norah, like I have seen you naked before." Sam says as he pits on boxers.

N- "yeah, I know, where did you throw my bra last night?"

S- "oh uh, right here"

Sam holds up my purple bra. I walk over to him and jump, getting it our of his hand. I turn around to where he could only see my back and put it on.

I grab the leggings, the hoodie and the jacket and slide them on. I then put in my vans. I throw my hair in a messy bun and look in Sam's bathroom mirror.

I grab my makeup bag out of my book bag and do my simple make up

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I grab my makeup bag out of my book bag and do my simple make up. Sam comes up behind me with just some jeans on. Hr hugs me from behind. "You don't need makeup." Sam says, kissing my neck. "Thanks Sam, but I'm still gonna put some on." Sam nods as he stands next me and brushes his teeth. "Need a tooth brush?" Sam ask. I nod. He gets an unopened tooth brush and hands it to me. "Thanks" I brush my teeth as well as Sam. We finish up and Sam puts on deodorant. He then puts on a shirt and sprays some Clalonge. Trust me, it smelt good.

We grab our bag and head to our cars. I get In my mom's and he gets in his. We drive to school and park next to each other. We get out the car and walk together into school. I feel a hand in my and I see Sam's hand In mine. I smile as we walk over to the table. We sit down next to each other. We were the first there. "I have a question." Sam says, "don't tell me you have a question just ask it, loser" I giggle.

S- "I know we just started like hanging our fully and we only went on one date but, will you be my girlfriend?"

I look up at Sam from my phone. I hesitate, I started thinking about Colby. I then see Colby walking in with devyn coming to the table.

N- "you know what, let's give it a shot!"

I've never seen Sam look so excited. I could tell he's been waiting a long time to ask that, he has like me since freshmen year.

Sam the leans over and kisses me. I smile, I then kisses him again. I feel his hand on my lower back as I rapidly peck his lips, he goes to kiss me again when devyn says. "Get a room!" While sitting down. I pull from Sam and see colby staring, I look at him and lock eye contact. I look back down at my phone.

Kat then sits down.

K- "hey guys, the party has arrived!!"

I look up, and kat looks from me to Sam about 3 times before saying something.

K- "so are yall, you know, noam?"

S- "what is noam?"

K- "halls ship name!! I made it last night."

N- "okay one, don't call us that, and two, yes."

K- "wait are you serious!"

Everyone turns to kat, she yelled so loud.

K- "sorry everyone!"

Kat looks at me and smiles. Then the bell rings. We head to our first. I sit down and Colby sits next to me. "So you and Sam?" Colby ask. I lool over at him. "What about us?" I ask. Colby looks at me. "Did y'all have sex?" Colby eyes down my neck, and my hoodie, he knew it was Sam's. "That's personal information." I say. Mr. Filler looks at me. "Would you like to share with the class norah?" He ask. I look back at him. "I'm good, would you like to continue to teach the class?" I ask with an attitude. Everyone oo's as he turns back around.
Do you think that Colby's jealous, by the way this isn't a Sam fan fiction, it's a Colby brock, just trust me, it'll get good soon. Vote, follow and comment! Love ya losers ✖🖤

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