his warmth

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I wake up and feel an arm around me. I look over my shoulder and see Colby brock himself. I could feel his warmth against me. I look under the covers and everything comes back to me.

"Shit, shit, shit." I repeat multiple times getting up rushing to put on my clothes. I hear the sheets rustle.

"Norahhh, come back to bed." Colby groans. "Colby, I don't have time for your shit!" I demand. Colby just drifts back to sleep. I run out of the room and down the hall. I peek into Kats room before going in. I see she is still asleep. I sigh out of relief. I go into her room and walk over to her shaking her awake.

K- whattttttt!!!

N- kat, get up. I have to leave soon!

K- fineeee.

Kat slides out of bed licking her lips. She stretches and walk to the bathroom. I start getting changed. I change into

I do my quick make up

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I do my quick make up. Just simple mascara, a tiny bit of blush and lip gloss. I slip on my black vans and grab my book bag. I walk out and meet Kat at the door. "Bye, love you!" I say. "Bye, love you too" we say to each other. I walk outside to see Sam in his car waiting for me. I sit down in his car and he starts to drive. I start thinking about what I just did to Kat, and devyn. I began tearing up.

I quickly wile them away. Sam arrived at my my house. "T- thanks sam" I say with a cracky voice. I guess he heard the way I was talking.

S- Norah, are you okay.

N- Sam, I did something I regret.

S- what?

N- I can't tell you.

S- please, I swear I won't tell anyone.

N- i- I had sex with Colby.

S- what!

N- see Sam I knew you would do this.

S- okay, okay, i- I'm sorry.

Sam hugs me as I let a tear fall down my face. He uses his finger to wipe my tear. I give a weak smile. I get out the car and open the house door. I see my little brother, Mac.

M- hey Norah!

N- sup! Where mom?

M- I don't know, she didn't come home last night.

N- damn.

M- yeah.

N- alright I'm going to my room.

I head to my room and open the door.

II set my bag down and open my laptop

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II set my bag down and open my laptop. I sit on my bed and began to do my extra work.

*time skip to Monday.*

I wake up and put on my outfit for school.

I put my extra things in my bag and I grab my keys

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I put my extra things in my bag and I grab my keys. I leave the house and today I decided to walk. I walk down the sidesalk and stop at the Starbucks. I get plain cold brew coffee and pay. I leave and continue to walk to school. When I get there I meet at "the table."  Which we call the hang table. I sit down and see Kat, devyn, and Sam. I sit down. "Hey guys" I say.

S- hey, cutie.

Sam winks at me.

D- hey!

Devyn countries to text whoever she's texting.

K- hey bestieeeeee!!!!

Kat says while she steals my coffee. She take a sip and sticks her tongue out at the taste.

K- how the hell you drink that shit, ew!

I laughed. I then saw Colby walk up to the table. He sits down and we lock eye contact. I look down at the table avoiding any conversation with him.

D- alright guys, I gotta head to Mr. Rooks class. Bye.

Devyn says bye and kisses Colby's lips. She leaves and still text on her phone as she walks the halls. Kat then says she has to go meet this girl, always a new one.

K- bye.

Me and Kat kiss each others cheek and she leave. Sam, let me guess he's about to leave.

S- hey, ima go grab a soda, be right back, cutie!

Sam winks agian.

N- don't call me that, loser.

I see Colby from the Conner of my eye look at me as if he was the only person I called that.

C- Norah, please stop, you haven't answered text, you can't ignore me forever.

N- who said I was ignoring you.

C- you definitely are.

N- I'm not.

C- fine, then your mad.

N- why would I be mad?

C- I don't know.

N- I'm fine.

C- sure, whatever, bye loser.

N- bye.

Colby almost waits for a minute for me to say loser back, I don't. He ends up walking away and so do I. I head to my class early and begun.

Later that day it was the end of school. I was the last one there. I finsib up in the library and cheek the time. "6:39, shit, my mom's gonna kill me." I close my computer and put it in my bag.

I start walking home. Its about and 20 minute walk, not to bad.
(Filler chapter) In the trap house getting black out, lil no Name pop my ass out... Finish it.

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