Quite down (⚠️contains image⚠️)

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I wake up with my legs over a- body and someone's arm over me, I see Colby face and I sigh. I get, trying not to wake him. I walk out of my room seeing my brother. "Morning" Mac says.

N- morning, how'd you sleep?

M- not good, mainly because I couldn't her the, "ohh Colby," "shitt!" Outta my head, y'all are loud.

Mac mocks my moans. I furrow my eye brows. I shush him, and tell him Colby still asleep.

N- ha. Sorry didn't know you were home.

M- so I'm guessing you chose Colby?

N- no.

M- Norah! Really, your going to regret this.

N- Mac shut the hell up bef-

Colby walks out of my room in his pants with not shirt on. He stands behind me and kisses my shoulder,"morning beautiful " he says in a raspy voice. I swatt him away.

C- what about me, I heard my name.

N- nothing co-

M- she doesn't know who to chose, she likes you, but she lovesss the taste of Sammy.

N- eww Mac, what the hell is wrong with you!

I kick him. As I push Colby back into my room. I shut the door behind me.

N- what the hell Colby, my family can't know your here!

C- I'm sorry.

N- it's whatever!

I start walk towards my bed when Colby grabs my hand pulling me into his arms. He puts his hands on my lower back.

C- "I said  sorry, forgive me. "

N- " I said it's fine, now get your hands off me"

Colby throws his hands up. I lay back down in my bed and Colby lays next to me. "Re you mad" Colby ask. "No I'm jus- it doesn't matter, I'm fine" I respond.

C- I can make you feel better.

Colby smirls as he kisses me using tongue. He smirks into the kiss, I wanted to gross him out so I stuck my tongue out but he ended up kissing me agian, when he pulls away he bites my lip. I giggle, then I hear a mocking giggle from outside my door. "MAC, SHUT UP YOU LITTLE SHIT!"  It then was slighlent, Colby snorts. I smack his chest, "it's not funny" I say. "It is though, also I got you on video!" Colby shows me the video of us.

"Ewwww, delete that now!!! " I demand, "nope!" Colby saves the video and i groan

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"Ewwww, delete that now!!! " I demand, "nope!" Colby saves the video and i groan. I then get a message from Sam, saying he was on his way. "Shit shit shit, Colby, you need to leave" I then  hear our door bell ring. I get Colby up and give his shirt, I open my window as he climbs down. I run down stairs and open the door seeing Sam. I hug him.

"Heyy, babe" Sam says. He kisses my lips, I then see Colby trying to get into his car. "Oh uhm come in!" I say. I let Sam in and I start walking up the steps motioning him to follow. I could feel eyes on me, when I realized, I didn't have pants on, just underwear. When we reach the top Sam slaps my ass. I turn around and smile, awkwardly. When we walk into my room, my focus was caught on one thing, the golden wrapper. "Nice room" Sam says. I just nod. "Thank you" I walk over to the wrapper crumbling it, trying not to show Sam, I throw it in my trash.

Sam then sits on my bed motioning me to come sit on his lap. I dont, thruth us, my legs were still weak.

N- let's just watch a movie.

S- I mean I just wanted to cuddle.

Oh, I forgot he isn't Colby, he doesn't just hook up with me

N- oh okay.

I sit on his lap, laying my head on his chest as he plays "after we collided" on my t.v. the movie begins and he kisses my head. I look up at him and smile. I feel his hand on my butt. I then kiss his lips gently. He began moving my hips, when I stopped.

N- "not in the mood right now. "

I nervously say. I get off his lap.

S- "oh shit, I'm sorry."

N- "it's okay"

S-" okay good, I should've asked first "

Sam puts his arm over me as he holds my hand using rubbing my thumb I smile as I cuddle my head into my pillow.
(Filler chapter) What's your opinion on this chapter? Comment, follow and vote, live ya bruvas 🖤✖😚

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