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I wake up and look at the clock. "3 am" I whisper to myself. I groan quietly and get up. I quietly walk out of Kats room into the kitchen. I stand on My tippy toes trying to reach the cups at the top. I felt a hand on my waist and someone against my back.  The movement stops and I turn around and see Colby.

He hands me the glass.

N- uh, thanks, I guess.

C- yup, no problem.

N- why are you awake?

C- I could ask the same for you?

N- I can't sleep.

C- same.

I fill my cup with water and ice. Colby gets a beer out of the fridge opening it with just his hands.

N- beer, at 3am really?

C- yeah really.

Colby leans against the counter as he watches me look for something to eat in the fridge. I pull out a yogurt. I get a spoon and open it and start eating it. When I finish I throw it in the trash. As I'm washing my spoon. I feel hands around my hips. I feel a breath on my shoulder. "Colby, wh- what are you doing?" I whisper.

Colby doesn't say anything back he just starts kissing my neck. I feel his body against mine. I turn around stopping him. I look him in the eyes.

N- Colby, you have a gir-

I was interrupted to Colby Pulling my hips close to him. He collides our lips, giving me the taste of beer. I pull from the kiss and look him in the eyes, before looking back down at his lips. I connect our lips together. The simple kiss turns into a hot make out. He picks me as I wrap my legs around his hips. He holds me up by my butt.

I place my hands on his jaw as we continue to kiss. He brings me to his room and closes the door with his foot. He lays me on his bed. I sit up and take off my top, revealing that I had no bra on. He stares at me for a minute before taking off his sweat pants. He then take off my sweatpants revealing my blue underwear.  He smirks. God, that smirk!

I get under his covers as he lays next to me. I feel his hand at the edge of my underwear. Almost like he was asking for permission. I nod. I feel his fingers inside me.

C- "two or one?"

"Two" I moan out. "Shh" Colby says, knowing Kats right next to his room. I feel his fingers curl. Hitting that spot. I let out a hitched breath. He then pulls his fingers and pulls off my underwear and his too. He hovers over me. He pulls out a condom from his dresser, putting it on himself. He starts to Aline himself, but he couldn't. I help him. I feel him near my entrance. He use one hand to grip my waist while the other one holds him up.

He thrust into me slowly keeping us in sync. I let out a small moan. Colby lays his head in my neck. He then starts to thrust into me harder. Making me squint my eyes. I dig my nails into Colby's back. Colby's faintly whispered. "Shit Norah"

I feel my walls tighten. I arch my back and Bite my lip trying to contain my moans. I just couldn't hold it any longer,  I moan Colby's name. I grip the sheets in between my fist.

N- c- Colby, I'm close!

Colby thrust even faster, which I didn't even know was possible. He digs his nails into my side. I release at that. He pulls out and strokes himself a few times before releasing as well. He ties the rubber together throwing it in his trash can. He pulls back on his boxers and lays next to me.

He wraps his arm around me and lay my head on his bare chest as the covers, cover my chest.

C- "keep this in the D-L, would you, you know, you don't want this getting out to kat, and I don't want this getting out to devyn."

I just nod, knowing that this didn't mean anything. Well even if I did mean something, we wouldn't have moved into it that fast. I turn over and lay on my sad as Colby put his arm over me. He tries to hold my hand but I denied, I just lay there.

I feel sleep cover me again. I hear a faint whisper. "Goodnight, loser." I feel my hair being pushed behind my ear and a small peck on my cheek.
If you guys haven't already guessed, this is gonna be like the plot of Ginny and Georgia. Vote, follow and comment. Bye, losers 😜🖤✖

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