Chapter 26 - The End of my Story

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I look at the woman, scared for my life at this point.

My old foster parent has found us and let me tell you, I nearly peed my pants when she looked at me. It was like she was tryna melt my face off. I was sure that I was gonna die.

Me and Kei were just eating ice cream, walking along the sidewalk so I could drop him off. Then, next thing I know, there's a car coming and it stops. Out she comes, glaring at me and walking towards us like a fucking monster.

Now I'm having a stare down with her, and I lost a while ago.

"I thought I made it clear that I do not want you near us ever again." She hisses.

I gulp. "Ma'am, it's not what you think-"

"Is it not? You're eating ice cream with my son." Her glare pierces my soul.

Then, outta nowhere, Kei steps forward. "I'm not your son. You're just my gaurdian. But the girl you're talking to is my sister."


"Sister!?! Haha! Kei, this girl killed someone-"

"She did not. Ma'am, I'd like it if you'd stop yelling around and grow up. It was an accident. We all know it." At this point, the woman is on fire. Kei holds his ground, but now I'm kinda scared for his life.

"Boy, step away from her." The woman growls.

"I will not." He replies.

The woman rushes forward but Kei throws his ice cream at her face. It lands perfectly and Kei grabs my hand before running.

"Wait, Kei-"

"Just keep running! This'll be my fault." He calls back to me.

"I'M CALLING THE POLICE!!!" I hear her scream at me.

I groan before picking the boy up and running as fast as I can. Of course, he's pretty heavy. At least he's still short.

"Akane!" I call. Instantly he pops up beside me. First he has a smirk on his face before it turns into confusion. As he runs at my side, he looks at the boy.

"Okay. Is this as weird as it looks?" He asks.

"I need someone with the quirk to hide. Do you know someone?" I ask, not wasting time.

"Sure do. One sec." The guy disappears and I swerve into an alleyway.

"Who're you talking to???" Kei asks.

"Hush. Just hang on to me. I got this." I say.

He sighs before obeying. A couple moments later, Akane reappears. He has a girl that looks in her 20s.

"This is Ayaka. Quirk, cover. She can release a blanket that sticks to anything and make it seem like something is or isn't there." He explains.

"How do I do this?" I ask.

He chuckles. "Simple. Just will her to you."

I frown. "What!?!"

"Just have yourself want her." He rephrases.

I sigh before trying it. Instantly, the girl turns into a ball of light and enters me. I quickly sit down against the brick wall of the alleyway and use the quirk. A silver blanket is released from my hand and lands on us. I make it seem like we're a dumpster and groan, catching my breath.

Kei looks at me. "Y/N? What is this?" He asks, pointing to the blanket that's made a shape of a dumspter over us.

I smile. "Nothing. I'll tell you later." Then, I look at Akane.

I Love Anxiety - Tamaki Amajiki x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now