The sword meets my side, grazing my ribs, creating a long, shallow cut. But it is enough to get Samson's mental hold on me to stop. Within half a second, the sword veers left and plunges through his heart. I knew Evangeline had unfinished business with him after Maven left him at her door step. She had spared his life then, allowing him to live on borrowed time until now.
I roll to the ground, tumble down the steps. The pain in my side makes me curse but it is not unbearable.
Maven rushes to me, eyes wide. I take his hand, let him help me up. He reaches for my cut side and I wince.
"There's no baby," I pant. "You idiot." But no one hears me because full on chaos has broken out.
"I had to get everyone's attention," Maven grumbles.
I shove him. "I told you that one day your lies would strangle you." He glances over at his cousin, his life's breath gone. Somehow, Maven seems paler, scared even. "You should have listened."
He makes a deep, low sound at my repetition of his own words to me all those months ago. Then, he's pulling me into an airjet, calling a healer over to me.
"We're going home," he says.
I laugh as the healer lifts my shirt up and runs soft fingers over my ribs. "Yeah I don't think that's going to happen, Maven."
The healer flinches. She's a pretty girl with tan skin and deep black hair.
Maven looks out the window at the battle that's raging. Red against Silver, clashing. This wound should buy us all enough time for Farley and Evangeline to do what we've been waiting for.
"Mare," Maven pleads. "Let's go back home."
I let out a dark laugh. "How does it feel?"
"To be betrayed, to be used and unsure about everything you have ever done, wondering what the point of everything you ever did even was?" Maven is a coward so I expect him to dodge the question and turn it back around on me. But the thing is: he can't.
"You are coming with me whether you like it or not. You are the queen! My wife or not, you have a duty to your people." He stands and strides to the door of the airjet where a dozen sentinels are lined up, some of which are using ability to keep the fighting away from the jet.
The healer stands, no doubt ready to get away from us all. "Wait," I say. She turns around slowly.
"Yes, Majesty?" She grumbles.
I need more time so Farley can act. "I have a few bruises."
She sighs through her nose and sits back down next to me and heals the bruises on my arms, legs, mostly little things that I got being clumsy, not even in a battle.
Maven is still in the doorway, his back turned to me.
"You know," I drawl, "A real king would be out there, fighting alongside his people."
He whips his head around and stomps over to me. The healer jumps out of the way, scrambling to the wall.
Maven grips my chin, making me look up at him. My heart pounds like an unsteady drum in my chest. His eyes are aflame, fire ready to burn and destroy. His cold hand wraps around my neck for a second. I know it's taking all of his restraint not to become a living flame right here, right now.
"Say that again." His voice is dark, beringed.
"A real king would fight beside his people." Each word is a slow jab in his gut. "And you're not a real king."
His grip tightens on my neck but I can breathe perfectly fine. "Is that what you believe?"
The healer behind us averts her eyes, looking at her perfect nails or the floor. Staring at anything but us.
"Well, you're not a real Red."
I let out a soft, cruel laugh. "I believe that has been established already."
Maven is silent for a long moment, way too long. He lets go of me and I stand quickly. He hasn't retreated but he looks affronted. "We can play these games all day if you so wish."
The healer starts for the door. As she walks, she drops a small piece of paper. Maven has his back to her and I quickly pretend to be chasing after her and pick up the paper, shoving it in my pocket.
"Let's play these games then." I cross my arms, step up to him so we are chest to chest. Too much swirls inside my head, too many feelings all at once. I missed him but this time apart was necessary. I want to go with him but I know that if I do, we will continue this spiral of playing cat and mouse. Nothing will get done. I can't take it any longer.
Maven snakes an arm around my waist, pulling me closer to him. He leans his head down and kisses me right below my ear. "I know your silly little plan, Mare."
My breath hitches.
He brings his lips up my mouth, barely hovering over my skin. "Why else do you think I would have entertained you here so long?"
"I don't know," I breathe. His eyelashes flutter against cheek. "Perhaps you wanted my plan to succeed."
Maven kisses me hard. For once, I almost understand what is going on inside his dangerous mind.

His Red Queen
Fanfiction"Do you want me to live?" I choke the words out, nearly a sob, head pounding. Maven steps into my cell and this time I do not move away. I stay in my place on the cold ground, waiting to see how he responds. He stops right in front of me, crouchin...