Chapter Sixteen

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There was once a time where Maven and I would plot during these balls. We'd plan attacks on Silvers. Eye people who may be catching on to our scheming. Decide who will live and who will die.

Now, Maven parades about, me on his arm like an accessory. We smile and greet our guests. There are significantly less high houses here since Maven has taken the throne but it is still grand as any Calore ball can be.

Of course, House Merandus and House Samos are here. It is not easy to hide my grimace as we pass Samson Merandus who is talking to a srrongarm. What they're talking about, I have no clue.

Samson's eyes meet mine and I look away, far from gracefully, practically tripping over Maven's foot.

He puts a hand on the small of my back to steady me. "You okay?"

"House Merandus just makes me nervous, is all." I instantly regret saying that but instead of getting offeneded, Maven just nods. "What?" I ask, looking up at him.

"Me too," he says grimly. "Mother is the only one I like." She is not here, though. Not after the incident with the Scarlet Guard and Cal. "The rest of them make me squirm." He wrinkles his nose and I can't help but laugh.

He takes two glasses of wine from a passing servant and hands one to me. He raises his glass in a toast. "To family we'd rather not see."

I raise my glass. "To family we'd rather not see." I take a small sip of wine and place the glass down on a table, abandoning it. My mind must remain sharp, watching out for anyone and anything that can be a possible threat to my plan.

After about an hour, I excuse myself, telling Maven that I need to use the bathroom. He lets me leave for a few minutes, too busy talking to Ptolemus to miss me.

I head out the side doors and run to the stairs leading to Cal's old rooms which is now serving as his cell.

How foolish Maven was to keep all of the guards in the ballroom! I reach into the folds of my skirts and produce the key that I took from Maven's nightstand.

My heart hammers in my chest, so loud that I hear the blood pumping in my head. If this doesn't work out, I am going to be in more trouble than last time.

I turn the key quickly. I enter the rooms and look around to see nothing out of place. He's not in the sitting area or his old bedroom.

Cal is not here.

Maven lied to me.

I trudge back to the ball, chucking the key out an open window before I return to Maven. He gives an all-knowing smile when I am at his side again.

"I let him go," Maven says lazily. He takes a bite of cake. "That's what you wanted, right? He's banished, of course, but alive, nonetheless."

"You'll leave him alone?" The hope in my voice is too obvious. "But, why?" I knit my eyebrows together and squint at him as if that will help me see through any lies he may be spewing.

Maven shrugs. "It's time to make amends. Having him here was causing a rift between us." He lifts my chin up so our eye meet. "We wouldn't want to keep that up, now, would we?"

I blink. "No. Of course not."

He let him go. For me. I don't know whether to be happy or more angry. Isn't this what I asked for beneath the Bowl of Bones?

Maven has made amends in a way. My shoulders relax a bit and I can breathe. Cal is far from Maven's reach and now, he is safe. Well, safer than if he were here, anyway.

After a few minutes, I pull him aside, away from Ptolemus and Elane who are spending an absurd amount of time together without Evangeline.

"So, you're not gonna go and look for him?" I ask, still a little shocked.

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