I want to believe that my decision to leave the palace was a good one. But, returning home means seeing my parents and their looks of disapproval. Father's barely said a word to me since Maven and Mare's wedding, plotting something to get revenge. And Mother has taken to training a new pack of wolves in between saying her snide remarks on my failures.
Their growls fill the air from the other room and my mother coaxes them to calm themselves. I hate her wolves. I hate all of her animals. Especially the viper that stares me down while I am trying to have dinner with Tolly and Elane.
Tolly scoots his chair farther from the potted tree where the viper is wrapping itself around as if the tree, itself, is its prey. It's eyes are the color of radiation, with black slits. I fail to contain my shudder as those eyes meet mine.
"I don't understand why she put this beast here to babysit us," my brother grumbles. "We're grown adults."
"If they want us to be in charge of countries, they should at least have the decency to let us eat dinner without a spy." At my words, the viper hisses.
Elane shakes her head, her red hair bouncing in fluid motions, beautiful as it can be. "I think we should talk somewhere else." She sips her water, the crystal cup refracting the light from the domed ceiling.
"I agree."
We leave the room, only to have the viper slither behind us. My heart pounds against my rib cage as I wait for the snake to creep up on me and take a chunk out of my ankle. Lucky for me, Ptolemus quickly sends a metal bust flying at it. The snake slithers back and hisses, showing teeth this time.
Mother scolds us but I ignore her. There's no way that we can talk about this while she is listening in on us.
In my rooms, we find a safe place to talk. Elane plops down on my bed. Tolly chuckles at that and I elbow him. Not right now. This isn't funny.
"We need to figure this out." Elane has never sounded so afraid. Her guard is completely down and I can see the tears welling up in her eyes.
Tolly purses his lips as he avoids looking at Elane. "Yeah."
I look between the two of them. The two people I love more than anyone or anything. My brother and my well...Elane.
"The Rift," is all I am able to utter.
All my parents have ever wanted is power. They have trained me to get them power since my first breath. I was created to be an asset in taking the throne. Ten months after Tiberias VII was born, I was brought into this world for one reason. I was supposed to win Queenstrial and I did. But somehow, Mare Barrow ruined it all for me.
And now, Father has an alternate plan.
"It's almost all in order. Just a few more months, and we'll be royalty. It's what they've always wanted." I turn away from him, staring at the wall. I will not cry and show weakness. He puts a hand on my shoulder and shakes me a bit. "Isn't it?" The look of desperation on his face hurts more than being bit by one of Mother's wolves.
"Once my father has a crown on his head, he won't let us stay together." I take Elane's hand. It's cold and delicate. I sit next to her and put my head on her shoulder.
"I know," she sighs. "And my father will pair me up with whoever benefits him the most." Defeat is written across her face in such a terrible way.
It's always been the three of us. Elane and I have never really parted ways. We've always been close and now, life without her by my side sounds like the worst punishment that anyone can be forced to bear. She is my everything.
My parents have told me since the moment they knew anything about the two of us that I need to focus on winning the crown. That nothing is more important that acquiring as much power as one can attain. That what I have with Elane is wrong and that we could never be together.
Well, there is a way that we can stay together and hold onto the power.
The thought makes me shudder. But, it is the only way.
"I don't want us to split up," I mutter. Both of their attention snaps to me. "I do not want us to split up." My voice takes on a razor-sharp edge.
"Of course you don't," Elane sighs. "None of us do. But there's nothing we can do about it!"
"Yes there is." Ptolemus peels himself away from the wall and steps towards Elane and me.
Elane gasps and covers her mouth with her perfect hand, seeming to understand what my brother is getting at.
"Tolly," I croak. "Explain." I get up, putting distance between Elane and myself.
My brother and I have talked about this only once. Elane was not there, though. At the time that he mentioned it, I screamed "no" and stormed away from him. Now it seems that we have run out of options.
My brother looks at Elane gently. "Elane, I will be king of The Rift eventually and I am going to need a queen."
"No," Elane snaps. She steps away from him and turns to me accusingly. "Eve," she sobs. "You promised!"
It feels like a punch in the gut.
I swallow the lump in my throat. "Just hear us out."
"Fine, but I am not agreeing to anything just yet."
Ptolemus nods and offers a small, thin-lipped smile. "You don't have to say yes."
Elane nods and sits back down. "Okay, I'll listen."
Ptolemus puts his hand out for her and she takes it. "Elane, if you marry me, the three of us can stay together. The two of you can be as you are; quietly, of course." He smiles and in the second that their eyes meet, I want to curl up in a hole.
"I will ask nothing of you. Only that you be my friend," he says. "And I will never make you do anything that you wish not to do."
Elane glances up at me, almost as if to ask for permission.
Tolly does the same.
Both of them look at me as if it is my decision to make. I close my eyes for a second, willing myself not to mess up this plan. I may be selfish enough to practically force them together, but I am not selfish enough to forbid them.
"This is your decision," I finally breathe.
Elane looks to Ptolemus. "What about you? Don't you love anyone? I don't want to take away from that."
He squeezes her hand ever-so-slightly. "It won't interfere."
Elane bites her lip, deep in consideration. "We'll all stay together." Her voice sounds far away. "Is this what you want?" she asks.
"I want what will make us all happy." His answer is so simple, yet, I am at a loss of words.
"Eve?" I can't bring myself to look at her as she asks what I want.
All I do is nod.
The way Elane smiles at my brother makes the jealousy creep up on me once again, even though I know this is just an agreement to keep us all safe. I should be happy for them. I should be happy for myself, not being separated from either of them.
So much sacrifice for a love that neither Norta, nor The Rift could, or wants to appreciate.
"I'd be honored to be your wife," she finally answers.
"And I'd be honored to be your husband." Ptolemus kisses Elane's hand.
My heart clenches in on itself.

His Red Queen
Fanfiction"Do you want me to live?" I choke the words out, nearly a sob, head pounding. Maven steps into my cell and this time I do not move away. I stay in my place on the cold ground, waiting to see how he responds. He stops right in front of me, crouchin...