"Where is she?" Fire bursts in the palm of my hand. The useless Sentinels just stare at me, their masks ghostly in the flickering light. "Where is my queen?"
"Sire—" Someone intervenes, hands up in supplication.
"Just tell me what they did to her!" I slam a hand on the desk in front of me. The wood burns on impact but doesn't go up in flames. Sharp pain shoots through my knuckles but I ignore it. "They were supposed to find her and bring her back. So, why aren't my guards here, with Mare?"
"They turned against you," a sentinel says quietly. "Your Majesty, we need to be careful who we trust."
I shouldn't be surprised that my own guards would do this. Would attack Mare and capture her, just to hurt me. To strike where it hurts.
She's all I had left.
Without her, there's no one.
I am about to yell or cry or scream when Julian walks in, the door silent as he strides up to my desk. He places a piece of paper in front of me. "I know where she is."
Usually, I can't stand the man. Cal's uncle, the ever so wise singer who refuses to use his ability. But now, I suppose he'll have his uses if he can bring me to Mare.
The paper practically turns to ash as I read it. That snake has my wife. Those conniving, scheming traitors.
"Julian, have an airjet ready. I'll meet you outside the Royal treasury."
"I'm coming with you?" His face is full of unreadable emotion.
"Yes." I bark orders at the Sentinels and they hurry off to get prepared.
We are going to infiltrate that sorry excuse for a kingdom.
My dark cape billows behind me as I run down the stairs. Outside, it is nearly freezing but adrenaline keeps me warm. The treasury is heavily guarded. If anyone besides myself were able to get in there and have access to what lies deep, deep down, below the palace.
They do not say a word as I storm into the building, slamming the door behind myself. And just to be sure, I check the door to make sure it is not locked. At this point, I wouldn't be surprised if my own guards locked me in here to rot.
It seems that no one is ever truly loyal to the king. I, of all people, should know better than that.
The door is not locked. Finally, I go to the far wall where I pull a leather-bound book out of the bookshelf. A fake book. The wall swings out, revealing the under train. It's complete. A perfect escape route incase things go even more awry once Mare and I return.
With a deep breath, I push the book back in and leave. Julian is already outside, waiting for me. An airjet is landed, ready to take off.
We climb into the the airjet silently. I don't bother with the restraints or even sit down. I pace around the narrow space between the seats even after the engine has started up and we are in midair, the palace disappearing into a small spec below.
"Julian," I say after about a half hour of silence.
"Thank you for helping me," I whisper. He shifts uncomfortably at my gratitude, knowing it does not come easily.
"Of course."
"We need to be quick. Break in. Find her. Leave."
Julian laughs. "No destruction?"
I crack my knuckles and flick my wrist, creating small flames. "I never said that." A look of disappointment flashes across his face. Who knew the old man would be so apt to create more chaos. "I'll burn the place down if I must. Whatever it takes to get her to safety."
"What if she will be safer away from you?" Julian's brows raise. His words are risky. To some, necessary.
I consider his words for a few seconds. Glancing towards the window, it seems that we are nearing a body of water. I involuntarily flinch as the airjet hits a bought of turbulence.
The water is so deep. So dark and menacing. The mouth of a great beast, ready to swallow us all whole.
I tear my eyes away and look back to Julian.
I don't care where he thinks Mare will be safe. She is my wife and I love her. And I want to hold her and kiss her and tell her everything will be fine.
But my anger is too much. Anger towards everyone and everything besides her. It creates a poison, one that Mother had once cultivated inside my head.
"She was fine until her brother kidnapped her. If he hadn't done that, we would be at home, sleeping right now," I grumble. "I wouldn't be here, exhausted and planning an infiltration on those Volo brats and their kingdom!"
Julian shrinks back in he seat. "You can't keep the girl prisoner," he murmurs.
In an instant, my hands are around his throat, pressed tightly against the singer's windpipe. His eyes go wide, face turning red, as he tries to gasp for air. "Say that again," I snarl. I shove him back into his seat, leaving him coughing.
When we finally touch down at the Rift, my blood is boiling. Julian stays behind. Good. My sentinels follow me closely, a procession of black clothing and shiny masks.
We storm up to the front doors. The guards star armed to the teeth in metal armor. Some even have metal claws like the ones Evangeline likes to wear, but far more crude, with razor-sharp edges. But they stay in position as the door swings open. One of the guards merely gestures for us to go inside.
"Go in, King Maven." Their voice has all the displeasure of someone who has just squashed a bug.
We walk into the foyer just to be met by none other than Volo Samos, himself. He smiles wife as if greeting an old friend. But his eyes are narrowed, sharp as metal claws. And we are anything but old friends.
"Why, hello, King Maven," the king of the Rift says, "It's about time you showed up."

His Red Queen
Fanfiction"Do you want me to live?" I choke the words out, nearly a sob, head pounding. Maven steps into my cell and this time I do not move away. I stay in my place on the cold ground, waiting to see how he responds. He stops right in front of me, crouchin...