Chapter Fifteen

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My eyes flutter open slowly, glimpses of light making their way into my vision. The plush bed is warm and mounds of pillows surround my head and half of my upper body. I try to get up and a pain shoots through the back of my eyes, pounding against my skull. Rubbing my aching temples, I look around.

This isn't Maven's room. It's smaller, possibly a guest room. A window looks out on the water. Gray clouds are strewn across the purplish sky. I take the robe laid over the back of a chair and wrap it tightly around myself, over my night gown, shivering from the draft.

The last thing I remember, I was running to Cal's cell and the Arvens intercepted me. Then, it was dark and Maven was standing over me, eyes wide in what I could only hope was terror.

I was supposed to be out of here! How long have I been asleep?

I open the door slowly, wincing as it creaks. Outside, there are no guards. If Maven intends to keep me prisoner after the stunt I pulled, he's doing a terrible job.

For all I know, he could have killed Cal already. My steps quicken and I head towards Maven's rooms. I knock on his door, hoping that he is in there.

"Open the door!" I growl. "Maven, this isn't funny!"

No answer.

I turn around to see if anyone is watching me. No one is there but I can guarantee that the second I am at Cal's door, Maven is sure to come after me.

Outside Cal's cell, a new set of guards are stationed. At the sight of me, they send out a small wave of silence. I grit my teeth and put my hands up in surrender.

"Where is my husband?" I demand. "I need to speak to him."

The first guards glances at the other one nervously before responding. "He's speaking to the traitor. What do you want?"

"I am your queen and you will speak to me accordingly." At my words the second guard scoffs. "I wish to speak to not only the king but the prisoner, also."

"You're just King Maven's little lap dog," he teases. "I do not have to listen to you."

Maven exits Cal's cell. His eyes go wide and his face pales a few shades when he sees me. "What are you doing here?" His voice is shaky. He reaches out to me and I step back.

"You tell me." I cross my arms. "You almost let your guards kill me! How long have I been asleep?" My words all pour out without taking a breath. Tears sting in the back of my eyes but I do not let them fall.

"You tried to free my brother." He mentions Cal as if he is a nasty disease. "You were going to leave me and take him with you."

"You're keeping me prisoner, just like him." I gesture to the door blocking me from seeing Cal. "You couldn't expect me to be happy here and not to undermine you after what you've done to me. Now, how long have I been sleeping?"

Maven stares at me blankly. "You were unconscious for three days. The silence was so string, it gave you a head injury but I sent a Skonos skin healer to fix it."

"You can't keep breaking someone and putting them back together."

"Let me fix it," he offers.

"You can't!" I cry. "Just leave me alone."

"We made a deal, Mare." Maven runs a hand through his hair. I am now too aware of the dark circles beneath his eyes. He looks like he has not gotten any sleep these past few days. I almost pity him but then I remember my anger and that takes control of my response.

"I'm not the only one who went back on the deal." I smirk despite the slippery slope that I am about to go down.

He promised not to go after the Scarlet Guard, Kilorn, my family, and any other red with an ability like me. And what has he done? He's still sought out the Scarlet Guard, and in turn, Kilorn, all of whom I have no idea where they are. But, they are resourceful and I am sure they can find a way out of whatever prison they have been thrown into.

Maven scoffs. "The Scarlet Guard attacked first and your little friend, that fish boy, was with them. I would have left them alone if they weren't infiltrating Whitefire!" he roars.

I take a few steps back from the fuming boy king. "I don't want to hear anymore of this." I am about to walk away when he captures my attention by dismissing the guards. 

Maven lowers his voice. "At least listen to this."

"To what?"

"I didn't tell the Arvens to hurt you. They weren't supposed to. I tried to get them to stop but they silenced my ability, too. If they hadn't, I would have burned them to ash right there." His eyes glisten as he speaks. "I never wanted to hurt you. Please believe me." His hand brushes mine softly. "I made the healer put you to sleep for a few days so that your concussion wouldn't be so painful." 

I want to believe that he is not lying to me. I want it to be true that he tried to get the guards to leave me alone but that they turned on him. At the time, the silence caused me so much agony that I couldn't see or hear clearly. For all I know, he might actually be honest right now. 

How dangerous would it be to let my guard down? 

And how many more of Maven's lies will I allow myself to believe?

"I don't know if I can believe you."

He presses his lips into a thin line. "Let us agree on a stalemate, then." 

A couple days later, we return to Whitefire which has been rebuilt since the Scarlet Guard attacked. Cal was transported separately and I didn't even get a glimpse of him. 

Maven and I have been on decent terms. None of his guards have used silent stone against me, which I take as a good sign. We haven't fought, either. I know he feels bad about what happened. I can feel it in the way he kisses me gently as if I may break. How he eyes the guards when they're near me. The way he keeps to his side of the bed at night, giving me most of the space though I am smaller than him. He has been quieter, too. 

We have both become exhausted of our fights. The constant knives we point at one another's throats. The lies and deceit, mixed with hatred for not only ourselves, but others who have wronged us. 

Tonight there is a ball. Just more pageantry for us to show Norta who is in charge. I stand in front of the mirror as a couple of servants get me dressed in the ball gown Maven chose.

The gown is deep purple with layer upon layer of swishy skirts. The bodice is tied so tight around my waist that I lose my breath.

"Sorry, Miss," a servant says when I gasp as she ties the back.

"It's fine," I breathe.

The gray ends of my hair have been curled tight and when the maids leave, I comb my fingers through the curls, loosening them. 

Someone knocks on the door and enters. Maven. Head to toe, he is clad in regalia. A black cape flows from behind him, making him look like some sort of dark yet ethereal creature. He bows to me from the door way, a box in his hand. "I brought you something before we go to the ball."

I watch him a bit warily but let him approach me. 

"This doesn't have silent stone in it, does it?" I am not joking but he laughs. 

"No." He smiles. "Just open it."

I slowly untie the red bow and pull the lid off of the box. On a satin cushion rests a tiara. It is made of fine silver, with rubies embedded. 

They look like drops of blood.

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