The cameras are live; I can feel them. Our audience is practically buzzing, equal parts anticipation and tension throughout the expansive throne room. Maven readjusts his crown, readying himself to speak. After this there is no going back. I believe that this is in fact the right direction to go in.
It's simply a matter of who else believes the same thing.
"These past couple hundred years have been times of struggle, prejudice, and hardship. Specifically for people with Red blood. Those of us who know the histories of Norta and the world beyond our borders, know how this happened. A fear of the unknown, uprisings and attacks between those of different colored blood." Maven delivers his speech with well-practiced eloquence.
I scan the crowd as he talks, preparing myself for my turn to speak. I should be excited to be the one to tell everyone what we have done and what it means to everyone. Instead, all I get is flashbacks of being forced to speak on King Tiberias and Elara's behalf, practically at gunpoint. I pull my thoughts back to the present, reminding myself that this is different. This is good. I am here of my own volition.
"For years, Norta has been a beacon for Silver elite, and Red servitude." He pauses for a moment. "But it is time for this to end." His hand reaches for mine, our fingers entwining. "My wife, your queen, Mare Calore, a red-blooded electricon, has been working tirelessly for months on ways to change our government for the better of all people." He turns to me, beaming. "Take it away, my love."
If someone told me I'd be here, even a year ago, I would have laughed in their face. And probably stolen their purse. Change has always frightened me, but today, I am not afraid.
So, I begin my speech. "I am proud to say that after much work and consideration of the options that we, as humans have at this point in time, that our team has come to an agreement on what we can do so that the generations after us do not have to face the same horrors and struggles that our generation and the ones before us have dealt with.
"I was born in the Stilts, into a Red family. I was a thief since I was able to grasp the concept of stealing and doing so to survive. It was not until about a year ago that everything changed. It was revealed that I have a silver-like ability." I lift my hand, and let the lightning crackle and expand for a moment before sending it away, making it disappear entirely.
"This is not me thanking the Silver elite, nor is this a fairytale. Though, I did end up with my own prince," I add, smiling. A few people in the crowd laugh. "But in all seriousness, those events that at this point, everyone is aware of, were the breaking point in a revolution previously begun by the Scarlet Guard."
I share my story: how I got involved with the Scarlet Guard, and then the royal family. It's as if a weight has been lifted off my shoulders, revealing it all. I am finally able to be truly honest with myself about what has become of my life.
"These past several months have been spent in an effort to remove the iron-fist rule that we have all grown accustomed to. With the help of the Scarlet Guard operatives, including Colonel Farley, and her assistant, Shade Barrow; members of the former Samos high house, Evangeline Samos, Elane Haven, and Ptolemus Samos; and countless Newbloods. Along with new negotiations and assistance from Premier Davidson of Piedmont."
Maven smiles softly at me as I get ready to say my final lines. Words that hold the fate of the world in them. The hum of electricity in the cameras thrums like a drum in my chest, my heart beating in time with it.
"As of today, the Kingdom of Norta and Piedmont have decided to declare an alliance and thus, the end of the kingdom of The Rift. I would like you all to welcome Premier Davidson and his Husband and the First Gentleman, Carmadon."

His Red Queen
Fanfiction"Do you want me to live?" I choke the words out, nearly a sob, head pounding. Maven steps into my cell and this time I do not move away. I stay in my place on the cold ground, waiting to see how he responds. He stops right in front of me, crouchin...