What Happened

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Kuruk POV-

"What happened?" Kylo asked everyone on the jet as we sat in our seats for the take off.

I knew that Kara should be up here in a seat with us but I had seen her and her rage better than the others. She needed time to grieve and I knew she wanted to do that alone. Kara had been there when Rey took Ap'lek's life. That wasn't something anyone got over easily. Ap'lek and Kara had been close, so close until Vicrul came back. Vic's treatment of Kara had driven a small wedge between the two though neither would admit it. Ap'lek wanted to remain Kara's main protector but Vicrul wanted that position in her life as well.

It no longer mattered now that his body lay in the jet bedroom next to Ushar who was unconscious and I had no idea to the extent of his injuries. I needed the jet to level out so I could look at Kara's injuries. I had watched Rey stab her in the shoulder and then she had been shot in the leg when her and I were clearing the building. I saw the bullet hit her but her armor should have deflected it. But I knew it pierced her armor and her flesh because when I picked her up there had been blood on my glove when I set her down.

"Kuruk!" Kylo snapped. "Are you fucking paying attention?!"

"No!" I snapped back in a harsh tone. "My minds a little preoccupied right fucking now Kylo!"

Kylo stared at me and glared but I glared back. He finally pinched the bridge of his nose as he sighed before he spoke. "What happened when you and Kara went upstairs?"

"We cleared the building." I hurled my words at him. "We took out every single living fucking person on every single fucking floor. Like we should have done from the fucking start. But no. You wanted to be stealthy and capture Rey alive! She never fucking loved you Kylo! She was a traitorous bitch from day one and now Ap'lek is dead, Ushar might be dying, and Kara's back there bleeding!"

"What?" Vicrul turned and looked at me.

"She got shot!" I lashed out at the men around me. "You saw her get stabbed by Rey and then she got shot in the leg when we went upstairs. And she doesn't want to see you right now, Vicrul, so when we level out you stay in your fucking seat and I'll deal with it!"

"You're about to be on thin ice Knight." Kylo growled.

"I'm not your fucking Knight right now, Kylo! I'm barely your friend! You're lucky I don't strangle you right here and now. This is all your fucking fault!" I slammed my fist on the table cracking the wood.

Cardo sat across from me on Kylo's right. He looked up at me and I could see his puffy eyes. "It's not his fault. It's probably mine."

"How the fuck is it yours?" I snapped and glared at him. Cardo was always the least serious of us. I'd never seen the man shed a tear in the eight years I'd known him.

"The first shot. It was me. I bumped into some shit and someone saw me. I had to shoot him and I didn't see the others around the corner. My helmet didn't register them. That's when all hell broke loose. It's my fault." Cardo turned and looked out the window of the jet.

"I was wondering who shot first." Kylo took another deep breath.

"Han shot first." Trudgen grumbled from the bench where he sat facing us.

"What?" I turned to my right and looked at him.

"It's what Ushar and Kara always argued over. She said Han shot first. Ushar said it was Greedo." Trudgen was leaning forward, his elbows on his knees and his hands clasped in front of him as he stared at the floor. I watched a tear fall from Trudgen's eye and land on the carpet.

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