A Disturbance

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A/N: This chapter has a few short time skips for the two days it takes place. I wanted to show different parts of their trip to Egypt and their interactions with Ap'ate but didn't want to end up with a 10K word chapter of sightseeing. Certain things are necessary for later in the story. Enjoy. Love you all.

Kylo POV -

The tires chirped as the plane touched down on the private runway in Cairo. Angel's fingers which had been laced with mine for the last hour tightened and I gave her a reassuring squeeze back as she stared out the window. I knew my Angel still got uncomfortable flying even though she hid it well. The takeoff and landing were the most nerve-racking parts for her. When we were in the air she was mostly unbothered but only because I did a very good job of keeping her distracted.

"What are we doing first?" Ushar looked at me from his seat across the aisle.

I scanned my Knights and wished that the last two seats were occupied but I had to accept that they never would be again. I'd never recruit more Knights. No one could ever replace those that we had lost. And soon enough I would put an end to the dangerous jobs that we all did. We had no reason to work anymore. We simply did it out of habit. I had more than enough money to support the lot of us for five generations. Angel had Vic's money which was a close second. And all the other Knights had their own fortunes that would provide extravagant lifestyles to their descendants for hundreds of years.

"We'll check into the hotel first." I looked over my men and realized this was the first mission we had all been on together since Ap'lek's death. I had vetoed Trudgen's team choice and decided that we would all go to Cairo to find out what happened to our new niece's mother and retrieve her things.

"What hotel are we staying at?" Ap'ate spoke up from her seat across from Angel.

"Embassy Towers."

"That's the most expensive hotel in the city." Ap'ate looked from me to Angel and back.

"You'll find that Ren spares no expense when it comes to comfort." Angel chuckled as the plane finally slowed to a stop. "Speaking of money, you have an inheritance from your father we need to discuss."


Angel unbuckled her seat belt and stood up from her seat. "When your father died he had a lot of money. We all have our own money so we were going to donate a large portion of his estate to help kids like him. But since he has a kid of his own we think you should have it all and make the decisions on what to do with it."

"How much did he leave?" Ap'ate stood up and followed Angel toward the door of the jet as I followed them and the Knights followed me.

"More than you'll need for the next four lifetimes," I answered the girl as she looked over her shoulder at me with a shocked expression and I chuckled.


The ride to the hotel was a long one but check-in was fast and we got settled into our suites quickly. Angel and I were sharing a two-bedroom suite with Ap'ate while the Knights took two separate suites down the hall. We'd asked Ap'ate to call us mom and dad while we were out just to make sure people thought she was our kid and we were a family on holiday. Ap'ate had agreed to stay with the two of us at all times and from how close she stuck to Angel in the hotel's lobby I had a feeling she would not be leaving my Queen's side for the entire trip.

"Where are we headed?" Ap'ate climbed into the town car I had called for us to head to the museum I knew was the first thing Angel was dying to see.

"The Grand Egyptian Museum."

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