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Vicrul POV-

I held Kara's hand as I walked her back to the booth. I was worried when I had gone to the bathroom and followed her that she would be frightened and she was at first. But then I saw the desire in her eyes. She liked the danger. She liked that high of adrenaline rushing through her body. It all made sense now. Kylo had been an adrenaline high. Something she wasn't supposed to do.

With her history of addiction to the pills it made even more sense. Kara had not had an easy life and i knew that so if i had to scare her in the bathroom. And let her meet a side of me she had never seen before then so be it. She seemed to like that side of me so it was a win win situation.

I slid into the booth that had grown quite as we approached.

I pulled Kara up and into my lap turning her to face me. She wrapped her arms around my back and rested her head on my shoulder. I put my right arm around her back and pulled her tight as she faced me with her knees on the booth while in my lap.

"Whats going on?" Ushar chuckled as he watched Kara close her eyes and sigh into my neck.

I placed a kiss on her check and set the dagger on the table with my left hand. "She met the Harvester."

The table was silent as it all registered in their minds. Kuruk finally laughed. "So Kara, who's better now? Kylo or Harvester? "

Kara opened her eyes and looked up at me. I gave her a small nod, giving her permission to speak. She sighed and closed her eyes again. "Harvester."

The table erupted in laughter from the Knights. Jane looked from me to Kara. "Who the hell is the Harvester?"

Trudgen looked at me and shook his head. "It's Vicrul's code name when on a job."

"Why?" Jane asked as confusion set it.

"He's not very nice when he's working. Let's just leave it at that." Trudgen responded.

"What's your code name?" She sipped her drink nervously.

Trudgen looked at me and I shrugged. Kylo shook his head and chuckled. "She's gonna find out eventually."

Trudgen sighed. "The Skinner."


"It's just a name." He shrugged and left it at that. He would probably never tell him how brutal.he got.


Kara rested against my chest as the night went on. I fed her bits of food and held her drink for her but she never tried to move off of me. When Terry's finally closed I slid out of the booth and set Kara on her feet.

"You ready to go dance, little deer?"

She looked up at me with her green doe eyes. "Yes sir."

"Good girl." I pinched her chin in my fingers and placed a peck on her lips.

We headed for my car and I lowered her into her seat. The others were all going to meet us at the club. I waited for Ushar to climb in his car and pull away. Ap'lek and Cardo rode with him. Kylo and Trudgen climbed in the SUV and waited for Kuruk to come out with Sarah. Once both vehicles had pulled away I followed behind the SUV. I looked over to see Kara had fallen asleep in the five minutes we had been in the car. I had planned on doing some activities on the way there but she looked so peaceful I let her sleep.

I smirked to myself and pulled out my phone. I listened to the rings until someone picked up.


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