Boots and Handcuffs

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True to his word Vicrul was determined to take me shopping today. I wanted to go and I didn't want to go. I really just wanted to sleep all day after the previous day's events. But I knew Vicrul was excited to take me shopping, so with Ushar in tow we headed out.

I still had not talked to Ap'lek after his outburst and it was leaving me with a knot in my stomach. His words had been hurtful no matter if they came from a place of love and a need to protect me. He had still over reacted. After we got back to Vicrul's apartment last night the others went their separate ways for the night. Vicrul and I had been cuddled up on his amazing couch that could fit all of the Knights easily when Ren showed up. I didn't take him seriously when he said he had a present for me but that was the exact reason he had showed up to Vicrul's apartment late last night.

"Master." Vicrul said as he opened the door.

"Vicrul, where's Angel I have a present for her?" Ren scanned the room, his eyes finding me on the couch. "Come here Angel."

I looked to Vicrul and slowly pulled myself off the couch. My bare feet padded over to the kitchen where Ren had a small black case on the counter. He looked at me with amused eyes and pushed the case to me. "Open it."

Looking up at Vicrul he nodded and I reached for the case. It had two locks that flipped open easily. Inside was a matte black .22 pistol. "What is this." I lifted the gun from the case and held the cold metal in my hand. It was small and fit my hand perfectly. It would have looked like a toy in any of the Knights' hands.

"It's yours. You need to carry it at all times." Ren handed me an envelope. "Inside is all of the proper permits to conceal carry it anywhere you go."

"What? How?" I was beyond confused and looked back and forth between the two men.

"Don't worry about the details. The only thing you need to know is if you ever get stopped with it you have it completely legally. I don't think your pretty face would do good in jail." Ren gave a small chuckle. "Besides, Vicrul insisted you be able to carry it legally."


Vicrul came up behind me wrapping his arms around my waist. "Because like we said. Once Hux and his men know you're mine there will be a target on you. You need to be able to defend yourself. You're an excellent shot so.."

I tilted my head back and kissed Vicrul's neck. "Thank you."

"Ren did it, it was actually his idea. I just told him you had to have it legally so nothing dumb happens." Vicrul nuzzled into my neck.

I looked up at Ren whose eyes narrowed as he watched the affection from Vicrul to me. "Thank you Dark Lord. I really appreciate it. I'll carry it on me at all times."

"Good." Ren closed the case on the counter.

"I'll be right back, I gotta pee." Vicrul left the kitchen and walked down the hallway to the attached bath in his bedroom.

Ren turned back to me from the counter. His eyes traveled down my chest and back up. If I had known any better I would have swore I saw a flash of anger or maybe jealousy as he took in the hickeys and marks on my neck. I couldn't believe Vicrul had walked to the bathroom and left me alone with Ren in the kitchen.

"It's a shame you're so marked up Angel." Ren commented sarcastically.

"Ap'lek already yelled at me today." I sighed. "Please don't start."
"Hmm." Ren stepped closer to me. "You know you're lucky Vicrul got to you first Angel."

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