Even Exchange

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Ushar POV-

The torture of being unable to wake up from this constant nightmare was becoming too much. I was frustrated that I could hear everyone around me but I couldn't get to them. It had been who knew how long since I had become trapped in my sleep. I was almost ready to give up and let go. Why fight it any more? I would never get out of this hell.


The scream sounded again just like before. I knew that scream. It was my little demon and I needed to get to her. I needed to save her and find whoever was causing her to scream and take them out. I love Kara. My little sister. My best friend. My demon. I needed to get to her.


Another scream made me focus and I tried to will my eyes to open. I willed the nightmares away. I fought with my own brain and screamed within my mind as I clawed through my subconscious. Light started to register in my eyes as I was finally able to crack the haze that I had been stuck in.

With one more push I pried my eyes open and stared at a drop tile ceiling. There were tubes in my throat and I lifted my weak arms to claw at them and pull them free. Alarms were blaring in my ears as I unhooked my body from the medical equipment around me.

The last thing I truly remembered was Hux's face as I spun around after finding Ap'lek unconscious on the ground. Then I only remember hearing the voices of my family for the next few days. I didn't know how many days I had been in the hospital but I felt weaker than I ever had in my life.


Another scream echoed as I tried to stand and fell to my knees. I punched the floor and pulled myself up. I knew I was in the medical wing at headquarters. We must have come here right after the mission. I had to find everyone and make sure that they were okay. I had to get to Kara and Ap'lek and see them with my own eyes.

Heavy footsteps ran down the hallway as I pulled myself up to my feet. I held the wall and pried the door open until I could make my way into the hallway. The running and screaming was coming the next wing over. I tried to hold onto the wall but I kept crashing to my knees.


I turned and found Sarah behind me with her eyes wide with surprise. I could see how red and puffy they were, it was obvious that she had been crying.

"Kara." I could barely get the word out as I tried to move away from Sarah and towards the sounds of Kara's cries.

I felt Sarah grab my arm and pull it across her shoulders. "You shouldn't be out of bed. You need to rest. You've been out for so long. But I know if I try to make you lay down you'll just get back up."

"Kara." I stumbled as Sarah held me and helped me down the hallway. I turned my head to her until she met my gaze. "Ap'lek?"

"Come on big boy." Sarah looked away and I watched tears drip down her cheeks.

The screaming grew closer as we rounded a corner and came to the hall where Kara was. Sarah led me to a door and I could hear the screaming mixed with voices as I stood outside. I felt Sarah's hands leave me and she backed up away from the door I was standing in front of.


Kara screamed again and I looked away from Sarah as I flung the door open and entered the hospital room. The sight before me was confusing at first glance. Kara was on a table covered in blood but her legs were up in the stirrups that the doctors used for her exam when I took her to get checked after I figured out she was pregnant. The amount of blood on her could not possibly be from only her.

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