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Music and colors filled the air as people enjoyed the festival around them. Takemitchy and Draken had gone with their respective girlfriends for a stroll leaving Mikey and Chel alone. They took a walk around most stands buying food and competing while catching up. It was though they were back to before. Before the incident.

"It's been a while since we've gotten a moment for us," Mikey said stretching. They were sat up on a hill in the middle of the festival.

"Seems these days we're both busy," Chelsea said pulling her legs against her chest. He nodded staring at her.

"Chel," she glanced at him.

"I'm sorry," the wind started to pick up gently tickling them. Chelsea looked ahead.

"For what, you couldn't have known" she said reminiscing the night everything changed.

"Yes but, I shouldn't have said what I said and, I regret it really," silence over took them for a while.

"So do I," she whispered. Silence again. Mikey took a breath as he decided to risk it all intertwining their fingers. As Chelsea looked at him he looked away. She chuckled holding it giving it a reassuring squeeze.

"I still love you," he muttered. She nodded.

"I know," the sound of footsteps behind them. The two turned around to see Sarah.

"Pardon me boss but we have a problem" Chelsea raised brow.

"Which is?" Sarah pointed at the festival.

"You have guests,"
Down int hill Takemitchy was in trouble. He'd ran into Kiyomasa's gang and was about to get beaten down.

"Any last words?" The taller boy asked.

"Yes how about you fuck off!" Kiyomasa turned around just as a kick was sent into his face throwing him back into the bushes. Takemitchy gasped turning to see Angel.

"What the heck!?"

"Who are you!?" She grinned.

"Vice captain of the third Squad nice to meet Cha!" She saluted a dandelion tattoo on her hand.

"No way that tattoo," one of the men said.

"What?" The others looked at him.

"That's the Jiten symbol, a flower for each squad!" He panicked.

"No way!"

"So this means,"

"Oi, Angie, don't go wandering like that," Angel turned to her captain. Sasha yawned holding onto her pillow bag.

"Who the heck is that?"

"Is she with the other girl?"

"Doesn't look like a Jiten members," Sasha sighed.

"Takemitchy is it?" The blonde nodded.

"Mitsuya-san awaits you outside the forest something important," he nodded.

"But what about you guys?" She stood up straight.

"Don't worry, we can handle him, catch Kiyomasa on your way, 'saw the bastard running that way" Takemitchy nodded running off. As he left Sasha sighed.

"Well then, let's hurry up I'm kind of tired," Angel nodded.

"Fine with me cap!"
On the other side Takemitchy had ran into Mitsuya explaining the situation while the latter had known already.

"It's Draken hunting season,"
They soon found said vice president covered in blood fighting off half of what seemed to be Moebus' army.

"Draken-kun!" The two yelled. The boy was almost out. As the approached him lending a hand he collapsed.

✯𝑲𝒚𝒐𝒕𝒐 𝑱𝒊𝒕𝒆𝒏✯ (under edit)Where stories live. Discover now