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The plan was clear but now what they needed was for someone to get them inside.

"How are we even going to do that?" Chifuyu asked. Takemitchy had only told his friends about this. Mikey seemed to trust him to deal with it.

"I'm not sure," Takemitchy sighed.

"Hey what about that chick you caught?" Makoto asked. Takemitchy looked at him.

"Pavlov? She'd never accept to help us!" Akkun said. Takemitchy gave it a thought. Maybe Pavlov wouldn't but someone else might convince her.

"Hey dude you're not considering this?" Yamagishi said looking at his friend. Takemitchy looked back at them.

"Maybe not her but I know someone who might get her to talk,"
Cass looked up suddenly feeling an aura. She turned around only to see Yune. The husky was asleep on the couch beside the TV as always. She shrugged.

"Everything okay?" She turned to her left seeing Taiju. Dispite still being a member of joubouten she had decided to move in with him. Especially since Yuzuha and Hakkai were still living with Kitsune.

"Yes I just-" a knock at the door alerted them. Taiju frowned more than he already was.

"Were you awaiting someone?" She shook her head. Yune lifted her head to the door getting off the couch. She excitedly walked towards it bouncing around excitedly. Cass looked at her then smiled knowing who it was.

"Hanagaki?" Taiju said staring down at the boy. Takemitchy froze for a moment. Even with everything happening he couldn't help but still feel intimidated around the taller man.

"I-I uh-" Cass walked up behind Taiju a hand on his back.

"I'm guessing you want to talk about Jiten?" Takemitchy nodded snapping himself out of the fear.

"Yes! I came to ask for advice," he glanced at Taiju.

"Please?" She hummed. Taiju looked at her as if to ask if he should leave.

"Maybe take Yune out, she needs some fresh air," he sighed grabbing the leash and coat.

"Just stay safe peaches," he said patting her head on his way out. She nodded letting Takemitchy in.

"Would you like some tea dear?" He shook his head looking around. So this was Yuzuha and Hakkai's house.

"Well then what is it?" He took a seat on the couch in front of her. Takemitchy sighed as he began to explain the whole situation.

"I see, my apologies it seems I'm the one who's caused this ruckus," he shook his head.

"Not at all! You actually seemed to have helped, since in the fight at church, Taiju looked like he wanted to prove something," she frowned.

"Prove something?" He nodded.

"Yeah maybe I'm just looking a little too much into things but I think you're presence is a good thing," she smiled.

"In all my ten years of knowing Taiju never had I been told my presence had a positive impact on him," she said. She sighed a certain weight lifting from her shoulders.

"Sorry I didn't mean to get in on your personal stuff," she shook her head.

"No it's fine, but let's talk about you Hanagaki, what is it you actually aim for?" He looked down thoughtfully. The future he knew for the moment was still a mess he needed to fix. He held a hand to the time drive in his pocket Chizelle from the future had given him. He knew he couldn't change the future alone and he also knew he'd need to grow stronger to become someone others could count on. He sighed.

"I want to grow stronger, so I can defeat not only Virgil but," his thoughts wandered to Kisaki. He still didn't understand why he took out Hina in the future or why he took over Toman but something told him he'd soon find out.

"I also have someone I want to save," Cass smiled. The energy and aura around the blonde almost reminded her of Charlotte. She nodded to herself.

"Well Takemitchy I think it's about time then," he looked at her in confusion.

"Time for what?" She smiled standing up.

"Come with me, there's something I want to show you before we go see Pavlov," she said holding a hand out. Takemitchy took it curiously. The second they touched the blonde felt a surge of unknown energy through him. He couldn't scream or move as lights and noises filled his senses. He gasped as it all stopped. He coughed for a good five minutes before looking up at Cassidy. That's when he noticed they weren't in Taiju's house anymore. He looked around.

"Takemitchy, welcome to Joubouten," she said. The purple haired young adult smiled. Takemitchy's eyes widened. So this was the Joubouten hide out.

"Hey Cass you're late!" They both looked up at a strawberry blonde girl wearing a brown coat. The girl looked about the age of Cass.

"Ah Sorry Harui, I just brought Takemitchy in," the girl glanced at him.

"Takemitchy? As in Hanagaki Tajemitchi First Division captain of Toman?" She asked. He nodded confused as to if he'd seen her before. She grinned.

"My brother told me loads about you!" She said jumping over to couch to sit beside him. The blonde frowned.

"D-Do I know you?" She shook her head.

"No but you know my little bro, Ryouhei Hayashi," it took a moment for it to click.

"You're Peh-Yan's sister!?" She nodded laughing a bit.

"Yeah, we don't look much alike but we are blood related, the name's Harui Hayashi," she said. The blonde looked up and down at her. Harui looked almost nothing like Peh-Yan, she had straight hair and brown eyes with an uncanny beauty to her.

"Enough talking you two," the group looked over at Cobra. The tanned man cocked his head to the door.

"Calvin's awaiting," Cass nodded.

"Takemitchy, come on," he nodded standing up. This was his chance.
A chance to change the future for good.

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