Era of War

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The portal opened into Sarah's clinic where the injured kids had been taken. As it had opened Ryuki looked up. Sarah was far too occupied with the ones Tenjiku had jumped to realize.

"Oh my god," Yuzuha ran up to her captain helping her to a bed while Ryuki slipped her gloves on. The older girl hooked the squad 4 captain to a machine getting her heart rate.

"What happened?" Yuzuha asked. Kitsune coughed groaning as she was incapable of replying.

"She ran into an admiral!" Takemitchi stated. He looks over at Kitsune worriedly.

"I think you were poisoned but I'm not sure," Sarah states. Yuzuha's eyes widened.

"B-But you can heal her! Right?" Sarah looks up and turns to one of her helpers.

"Take her to one of the rooms I need to call Kobra" she turns to Yuzuha.

"Don't worry I'll do my best, but for now you're in charge of her unit" Yuzuha's eyes widen again.

"Me?! But I'm not-" Sarah doesn't see her as she walks over to Takemitchi.

"You healed? I need you to go see Chelsea and tell her right now about this" Takemitchi nods. He gets up. He was lucky Lucifer agreed to heal him.
He looks over at his comrades who are being taken care of by the Jiten helpers. He took a deep breath and ran off. He knew what this was and he knew he had to do something or else they'd all perish.

"I see..."
That was Chelsea's answered when she heard this. Mikey and Draken were with her as well.

"So what's the plan?"
Mikey sighs looking at his partner. She had been acting weird recently. He worried that her clock was ticking again.

She turns to them with a stoic look.

"The same happened to some of our squads up north. If we're not careful they'll take out everyone before we could even retort" Draken said worried. He was more worried for Emma. She was alone at the moment and since she was an unofficial member of Jiten she still had a chance of being a target.

"We can't strike back, we first need to find their base, if we have that we can attack"
She looks at Mikey and nods.

"I trust you to do that Manjirou, but be careful...I have a feeling whatever is next is dangerous" Mikey smiles.

"Don't worry, Toman will handle this, when we find their base we'll warn you"
She nods. She looks at Takemitchi.

"Takemitchi, I need you to warn everyone, and tell them"

"That this is the start of a war against Tenjiku"

I know it's short but I just got off school so chill imma be updating

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