To the Head

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Chelsea sits on the seat reserved for the Head. She watches as her relatives dance and enjoy themselves. It's obvious. No one missed the elders. They were terrible people but with them went her parents and her mother the late head. Mikey sits beside her watching as well. 

"Do you not want to dance?" he asks. She shakes her head.

"No, the dress is kind of heavy and I'd hate to take it off" she looks at the kids. A small smile forms. Some of her relatives did come by to greet her and others to wish her luck or give her their blessings for her reign. This did represent a lot for her. She keeps looking around the crowd when she notices something. She stands up.

"What's wrong" Mikey asks but he gets no answer. He follows her through thr crowd. But she is much faster despite the dress and two gold necklaces on her. 

Chelsea walks through the crowd apomogiziing each time for bumping into someone. She walks into the house and follows the person she had seen. She was almost sure it was her. As she follows she missed to notice where she was led. 

The woman finally stops then turns to her. They're on the balcony. Yellow eyes clash with Chelsea's blue ones. Chelsea's eyes widen

"Sorano" the woman's neutral face doesn't budge.

"Congratulations, Chel" the new head is at a loss for words.

"What are you doing here?" she asks a mix of shock and confusion as she sees Sorano. Her cousin smiles a little.

"I came to watch, am I not allowed to?" she asks. Chelsea doesn't reply. She had a million questions for her cousin but she knew they didn't have time.

"How long have you been out for?" Sorano's smile falls.

"5 years" Chelsea's heart drops.

"W-Why didn't y-" 

"I didn't want to see anyone back then, after all, I wasn't allowed to" she was right. But something told Chelsea there was more.

"Did you hear about Deity Two?" she asks. Sorano nods. The silence is stiffening. Only the far away sound of music and people chatting can be heard. Chelsea looks behind her.

"Do they know-"

"No, no they don't" Sorano says. She climbs on the edge of the balcony and smiles again.

"I heard a lot about you, they say you lost everyone in that fight, they say you used zeus and they also say you're with Toman and the black dragons" Chelsea nods.

"They also say...Joubouteen was dismantled?" she tenses but nods again. Chelsea knows how much Joubouten meant to Sorano.

"After Cal died, they voted and dismantled it" she looks at her apologetically. 

"I'm sorry Sora" the blonde shakes her head. 

"No worries, whats done is done" she pauses.

"What about your lil boyfriend" Chelsea frowns.

"What?" Sora smiles again. This is no good omen. Sorano never smiles...

"What are you doing here?" Chelsea asks.

"Nothing but saying Hi sis," she frowns. Her heart beats in her chest like a drum. 

"Nervous? Don't worry you're not my target for now" she says. Chelsea's heart stops. She glances behind her again. Surely...Sorano wouldn't hurt Mikey in the middle of such a crowded place?

"Say how old is his sister?" her eyes snap back to her cousin. Sorano smiles. 

"I'm guessing she's your age? What did she want to b-"

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