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Chelsea panted as she let go of the weights. She was so busy she didn't see the blue haired girl walk in.

"Sierra? What now," the latino-europeen shrugged.

"J'étais venue te voir mais on dirait que t'es occuper," Chelsea rolled her eyes. Sierra never spoke in anything more than french or Spanish.

"I'm not, what's the issue," Sierra took a seat on the bench.

"Grand-père veut te voir, une histoire d'héritage, d'la merde si tu veut mon avis," she said kissing her teeth. Chelsea laughed. Sierra didn't like the elders of their clan one bit and didn't even try to hide it.

"Tell them I'm busy," the European girl went to speak again when the door opened revealing Kisaki.

"Are you ready," she nodded. Chelsea went to leave until Sierra said.

"C'est un idiot, Chizelle avait raison," she halted looking at her cousin.

"I know," she replied. Kisaki looked at them in confusion but didn't think about it.
Lola hummed to herself. Suddenly a pair of arms wrapped around her next.

"Hey~" she chuckled. Looking behind her pinkish eyes met brownish yellow ones.

"Keisuke, it's been a while," the raven smirked spinning her around so she was facing him. He wrapped his arms around her waist pulling her close as his head lay on her shoulder.

"It's been a while," she nodded. His grip tightened.

"Keisuke," he hummed.

"Why, why did you do this?" He raised his head looking back at her.

"What do you mean?" She looked at him seriously.

"Why did you leave? I know you Kei you never do something without a reason to it," he chuckled looking away.

"I was just tired that's all! And Valhalla has more to offer than Toman" he grinned.

"Right, I don't buy it," he sighed.

"You shouldn't be poking at other people's business Yumi it's a very bad trait," she chuckled.

"Other people? Are you not my boyfriend? Should I just pretend everything is alright when Toman is litterally falling apart?" She asked. Baji sighed.

"Listen all I'm saying is this has nothing to do with you, I wanted to join Valhalla," she glared at the floor.

"But why? Why do you want to join so much," he groaned running a hand through his hair.

"Yumi, it's complicated really, but I promise it won't affect us," he said taking her hands. She looked at him intensely.

"Kazutora got out right," Baji didn't answer just looked away. Lola snatched her hands away walking around.

"I knew it, I just- god Keisuke!" She yelled.

"He's my friend! I need to be by his side when he needs me the most" Lola glared at him.

"Oh so Mikey doesn't need you? Keisuke the first division is captain-less now because of you! What will you tell Chifuyu!?"

"I don't have to tell you everything!" He yelled. She took a step back.

"Fuck, Yumi I'm sorry I didn't mean to-"

"No no, you're right, no need to tell me everything, excuse me, Baji for caring," he cursed under his breath.

"That's not, I didn't mean it, I'm just frustrated these days," she nodded.

"So am I, but I didn't chose to leave and deal with my problems alone," she replied as she started walking away.

"Call me when you're ready to ask for help," she said before disappearing. Baji stood there fists clenched.

"Fuckin great, I have to get this over with quickly,"
Takemitchy groaned as he sat back up. Making a deal with Mikey wasn't the best idea but he was determined to fix things.

"What are you thinking about," he looked in front of him at Chizelle.

"How are we supposed to fix everything between Mikey and Chelsea if all they do is argue?! What's more Kisaki's already got a head start," she sighed.

"Kisaki's indeed got a head start, him and Chelsea have been friends ever since childhood, apart from Lola and Tsunami, I'd say the one person she trusts blindly is him," Takemitchy groaned.

"In that case what exactly made him kill her in the future?" Takemitchy asked.

"I don't kn-" the sound of the door opening interrupted them. They both looked up.

"Tora?" She asked. He smiled walking over to them.

"Sorry to interrupt but I'm looking for Hanagaki Takemitchy," Chizelle frowned.

"That'd be me," Kazutora smiled pulling the boy along.

"Great! Now let's get going,"

"Going-? Where to-"

"Valhalla's hide out of course," he said. Takemitchy's eyes widened.

"Wait I don't even know your name-"

"Kazutora," the boy halted turning to Chizelle.

"What do you need Hanagaki for?" She asked. Takemitchy looked back and forth.

"Some personal stuff," she frowned. She looked at Takemitchy.

"Hanagaki-san, stay out of danger," he nodded. Chizelle looked back at Kazutora.

"Hanagaki-san's a member of Toman therefore an ally to Jiten, I want him back scarless," Kazutora smiled.

"I can't promise that,"

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