Tenjiku and Aigaken

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Takemitchy bolted awake gasping for air. He looked around him making sure he was back in his apartment. Naoto was at his side and so was Sierra. Both stood up in surprise.

"Takemitchy?" Sierra asked. Takemitchy looked at them.

"Did anything change?" He first asked. Sierra and Naoto looked at each other.

"Well it did change however," his heart sank. He really thought things would change. How did he fail?
Sierra turned around shining a holographic screen in the room as she showed footage of the last few months.

"You've been out for about eight and a half months, so to make sure you wouldn't be harmed we had to move you here," Naoto said. Takemitchy looked around. This wasn't his room.

"Where am I?" He asked.

"The Mustudane Clan's private head quarters," Naoto said.

"But I thought it was destroyed?" He asked. Sierra nodded.

"It was, but when Chelsea was chosen as it's new head-"

"What!?" He asked standing up. However he stumbled and fell back. He gasped. What was happening. Sierra looked at him and sighed.

"Your entity is beginning to cause damage be careful," she advised. He looked back up as footage of what ressembles a ceremony.

"I believe it happens after you leave, or around the time of December 15th," he frowned. That date sounded familiar.

"December huh? Sierra nodded.

"That's about where everything started, slowly Chelsea began to take all the responsibilities and cut everyone off," the video shifted to a fight. Takemitchy's eyes widened.

"Even Mikey," Naoto said.

"And with that Jiten's relationship with toman was strained, however the two remained associates, but that didn't stop the gates from flooding," Sierra said.

"Their relationship aside, Toman itself began to break apart, it seems Mikey changed as well and began to work with the wrong groups," Naoto stated. He handed Takemitchy a sheet of paper with names.

"What's this?" He asked.

"A list of all of Tomans associates in the last twelve years," he didn't understand. If he had been out for six months how would it have been 12 years? Than he realized. Every single move would not just change one timeline. It would change all the years he'd be going back in.

"As you can see they've had a couple, mostly trafficking gangs, drug dealers, and sometimes even terrorist gangs," Takemitchy couldn't believe it. Had Mikey really lost himself again.

"But Chelsea! She could've stopped him!" That's right. She was his voice of reason. Surely she would've stopped all of this.

"What're you talking about?" Sierra said. She shifted the imagery of the screen.

"Toman and Jiten merged starting three years ago and Chelsea became head while Mikey was an executive," Takemitchy snapped his head at the woman.

"What!? No- Chelsea wouldn't abandon Jiten to anyone not even Mikey-"

"Well it seems she did, especially since the agreement with these Tenjiku guys,"

"Tenji- what?" Takemitchy asked. Nagato handed him another sheet. This time it was pictures of members of the said Tenjiku gang.

"They're an uprising gang from around the time you came back, they have some pretty strong members but that's not all," he looked back up and froze. The imagery of the screen had shifted to dead bodies. But not any type. It was all of Toman's division captains and Jiten's squad captain. All except their leaders.

"What happened?" He whispered in horror.

"Tenjiku did," Sierra turned back to him sitting on the table.

"They began a war within the new Jiten, they began splitting up the squads," how did it get this bad.

"B-But Mikey!" Naoto and Sierra looked at each other.

"Takemitchy," Naoto said putting a hand on his shoulder.

"Mikey's-" a loud bang echoed outside interrupting them. The group looked up. The ground bellow began to shake and than crack open. Sierra was the first to react immediately forming a plateform beneath them.

"Watch out!" The ceiling was also falling. Sierra raised her arms covering them up and forming a bubble around them shielding them as the ceiling crashed.

"What's going on!?" Naoto asked. Sierra looked back up.

"Tenjiku found us," as the smoke cleared a silhouette could be seen approaching them. They wore black robe and a white mask.

"Crap it's him!" Naoto said pulling out his gun. Sierra cursed under her breath.

"Naoto! I'm gonna need you to take Takemitchy somewhere safe while I keep him busy," Takemitchy's eyes widened.

"Wh-What!? But what about-" she shoved a couple of documents to him.

"You need to go back immediately! This future isn't safe," she yelled. Naoto grabbed his wrist pulling him out in the open. The enemy held out his arms forming red spikes above them. Takemitchy gasped.

"Don't worry," Naoto said. He looked back at him.

"I trust Sierra-san, she'll be fine," Takemitchy sighed and nodded hoping he was right.
Thankfully they made it far enough from them and into an empty building. Takemitchy panted as they stopped. Naoto kneeled making sure his gun was charged up.

"I trust you understand now?" Takemitchy nodded. He needed to change this.

"Yeah lets do this," he said standing up. However as they were about to shake hands Takemitchy frowned. Something was off.
Dodge kiddo!
His eyes widened. He pulled Naoto down immediately just as a bullet flew past them.


"It appears we meet again, hero," Takemitchy looked back as Kisaki walked into the building followed by a man about their age with white hair and purple (?) eyes. The man held a gun up at them.

"Shit, what now?!"
Takemitchy looked around. Was he hearing voices now? It didn't matter, the man behind Kisaki began shooting at them. Takemitchy raised his hands hoping the spell worked in this future. It did.
A wooden wall formed in front of them.

"What!?" He could hear them on the other side. He turned to Naoto.

"Now!" Naoto nodded taking his hand just as the wall broke down. A couple of flashes and darkness.
He awoke in his room once again. He sat up reminiscing.

"Shit!" He got out of bed in a rush. He had to check up on Naoto.
As he ran up to the Tachibana household he knocked on their door. Naoto himself opened.

"Takemitchy?" He asked. The blonde grabbed his hand.

"Sorry I need to check something," as their hands connected Naoto stared at him confused. Takemitchy sunk to his knees.
It was no use.
The other Naoto was dead.

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