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"So?" Things were currently a mess. Sierra, Tsunami, Kitsune and Sasha had been called to Jiten head quarters along with the Toman members present during Christmas night. Mikey and Draken were there too.

"I'll be frank I have no reason to regret what happened," Kitsune shrugged. She didn't even seem fazed by the situation. Chelsea pinched the bridge of her nose.

"The rules were no interfering-"

"But the truce was broken the second Taiju laid hand on Yuzuha!" Takemitchy stated. Chelsea muttered a few curses in Spanish.

"I don't think you understand, this was a matter between Joubouten and the Black Dragons," Draken stated.

"Technically considering Cass was a member of Jiten once this really does have something to do with Jiten," Sasha said. Chizelle frowned.

"Maybe but that won't stop the Hatsune and Mutsudane family," she said.

"What does that mean?" Hakkai asked.

"Joubouten belongs to the Hatsune and the Mutsudane family and during the founding of Joubouten they made it clear that they refused to have anything to do with any other gangs," Tsunami sighed.

"But this was for the better, one of their members was exchanged! Shouldn't they be glad?" Chifuyu asked.

"Sadly that's not how it works, the council that found Joubouten will be meeting up about this and probably start a hunt for you all," Chelsea stated. She looked at Mikey.

"The best option is to keep a low profile, don't attract any attention," he sighed too.

"But what about your brother? He's the vice captain of Joubouten right?" Hakkai asked looking at Tsuna. She nodded.

"Joubouten isn't like any other gang, they're split in branches, the main branch might be on our side but the other two will try to kill us if ordered by the clans," she looked at Chizelle.

"So it's pointless to talk it out with them, if the main council doesn't listen then it's dead," Chizelle groaned.

"So there's nothing we can do huh?" Draken asked. Chelsea shook her head.

"Not without getting everyone in Toman involved so it's better to-" Chelsea halted. Her head snapped to the window.

"Get down!" Suddenly a series of bullets punctured through the window. Had the preteens not ducked they'd all be dead. A few minutes later and it stopped. Tsuna stood up first.

"Tsuna!" She looked out the window cussing. On the other building was a girl about her height with orangish hair and yellow eyes. She had tan skin and wore an all black dress with an orange scarf. She reloaded the gun with a grin. Though Sierra acted first pulling a riffled from under Chelsea's table.

"What the- where did you get that from!?" Chifuyu yelled. She payed no attention firing at the girl.  Even as the bullets ended she didn't stop ducking and hitting a part of the wall fetching another riffle. But just as she went to shoot a shadow entered the room. They had mere second to react as a girl with black hair entered through the broken window raising a blade at Hakkai first. The boy dodged merely getting his cheek cut.

"Not on my watch!" Chizelle stated grabbing the girl and slamming her into the ground knocking her out. She sighed looking once more at the window.

"What was that!?" Chifuyu asked helping Sasha up.

"Exactly what we were talking about, Joubouten Deity Two is acting up," Tsunami said dusting herself off.

"If this is how they fight we're fucked," Draken stated. Mikey looked over at Chelsea who was helping Chizelle tie the attacker to a chair.

"What're you gonna do?" He asked. Chelsea sighed.

"Virgil Hatsune must've been the one to set orders so he's the main target, but he's a small fry compared to Tashia," she sighed looking over at them.

"Keeping a low profile won't stop them anymore and they'll probably go for people close to you so what I say is we strike them too," Mikey grinned. He looked over at his crew mates.

"What do you guys think?" Draken grinned back.

"It'd be a chance for Toman to rise to the top so I'm in," Takemitchy Chifuyu and Hakkai nodded too.

"We're in as well," Mikey looked back at Chelsea.

"Well then send the message around Toman, Joubouten Deity Two and Deity Three are about to get what's coming," he nodded. Draken went off to tell everyone while the rest stayed for security measures.

"Ugh," they turned to the attacker. She looked around mumbling a few things in what seemed to be Russian.

"What did she say?" Chifuyu asked. Tsuna sighed.

"Pavlov Hatsune right? I'm Tsunami Hatsune, main family" Tsuna said in Russian. The girl stared at her up and down.

"Who sent you? Best talk now or it'll be really bad for you," the girl looked away rolling her eyes unimpressed. Sierra walked over pulling out a knife.

"Whoa! Maybe we don't need to resort to that!" Takemitchy said.

"If she doesn't talk in five minutes-" she threatened. Tsunami sighed.

"Virgil sent you right?" The girl looked at her.

"The main family can help, I know Virgil's ways are inadequate and unfair so if you speak-"

"You know nothing of me," she spat. Tsuna groaned.

"Artificial intelligence? You're an Angel2000 right?" The girl was taken aback for a moment.

"You're smart enough so you know what will happen when he's done with you, I advise you join us before that happens," she looked hesitant for a moment.

"Virgil has eyes everywhere if I talk he'll have me beheaded in a second, how am I so sure I can trust an IH3000?," Tsuna looked over at Chelsea who shrugged.

"I can offer a way to survive but you need to tell me everything," the girl laughed.

"You can't get anything without a sacrifice, what if I ask for," she looked at Hakkai.

"His head?" Tsuna raised her brows standing back up. She looked over at Sierra.

"Have fun," she said moving. The girl's eyes widened.

"I'm about to turn this room red," she stated pulling out a chain. The girl paled thrashing.

"Wait no! I was joking! I was joking!" Tsuna snapped her fingers.

"You intend on telling us now Pavlov?" Said girl groaned.

"Even if I talk Virgil is no man easily defeated," she spoke in Japanese.

"You can speak our language, how sweet," Chelsea said. Pavlov glared at her but continued.

"He has eyes everywhere he can't be defeated by some measley rats," she chuckled then narrowed her eyes.

"So give up you're no ma-" she yelped as her seat was kicked. Chelsea stared her down with a menacing look.

"I don't care if he's defeatable or not the motherfucker will pay for fucking up my office, where is he hiding?" She gulped.

"I don't know he gives orders to his vice then she tells us what to do, no one ever knows where he is," Chelsea groaned. She frowned for a moment.

"Who's the vice?" The girl gulped.

"Mizera Mutsudane, main family second unit,"

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