Past Issues

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Chelsea hummed to herself as she dangled her feet from the roof top. Sometimes she really considered jumping off but she couldn't find the courage to. She looked up at the blue skies. She really didn't know why she even tries anymore. Her eyes went back to the students leaving as she said:

"What do you want Takemitchy?" The blonde flinched. She didn't turn around knowing it was him.

"How did y-"

"I'm a time Leaper, if I can't tell people's aura I wouldn't survive moving through time," she said.

"I-Well, it's just I wanted to know about you and Mikey-kun," Chelsea sighed.

"Did he tell you?" He shook his head. Chelsea chuckled.

"Mikey's a very prideful person, he doesn't talk about himself much," she turned to him.

"Do you know how his brother died?" Takemitchy nodded.

"But you don't know what happened right after that," he shook his head.

"Well I'll tell you but in exchange," Chelsea turned around looking at Takemitchy. He gasped seeing her eyes. Blue had switched to a cristal white.

"Protect Manjirou,"

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