Feeling of Death

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Mikey's body is frozen. A trail of blood smeared over the road. A trail of her blood.

"Chelsea!" Sierra quickly runs to her cousin.
Chelsea coughs and wheezes. The blood is filling her lungs and the metallic taste of said liquid makes her want to throw up. She grabs her side in pain. Her white dress is stained with dirty marks the bike left on her.
She wheezes again and tries to stand but she's bleeding. Sierra immediately notices the watch on her wrist is broken. They're usually unbreakable unless the user is getting weaker. She looks at Chelsea.

"Did you see who it was?" Sierra shakes her head. She looks back at Hanma but he's gone. Mikey finally snaps out and runs to her side. He tries to help her up.

"We have to get her to a hospital" Emma says. She's on the verge of tears. She can't believe her captain took this hit for her.

Sierra and Mikey help Chelsea up and take her to the car. As she's sat in the back seat Mikey takes his haori off and tries to stop the bleed while Emma tried to heal her.

"I'm so sorry, this is all my fault, I should've been more aware" Emma says. Her hands are shakey as she holds them over Chelsea's bleeding stomach.

"Don't say that" she groans. She looks at her.

"I'm you're captain, this is my job," she smiles despite the pain. Emma nods and tries to focus on healing her. Her level is very low and she only learned how to heal small cuts and mild colds. But this...this is something more. She had to at very least keep the captain awake.

"Relax Emma" Chelsea says.

"I'm still immortal, even if Zeus is eating at my soul, I won't die over a bike running me over" she says. She coughs up a bit of blood then sighs. Mikey stares at her. Even in these types of moments, she was more worried about others' well being. But this seems to work as Emma relaxes a bit more and tries to focus.

Sierra stops the car right in front of Sarah's clinic. She jumps out and runs inside while the other two get Chelsea out of the car.
Soon Sarah and Sierra run out.

"Get her to a room! Someone call in Ryuki and ask her to get a new watch for a type O" Sarah orders. A few of the Jiten members help Chelsea onto a bed and put an oxygen mask on her. Just then the watch starts beeping. Mikey's heart drops

"Chelsea!" Her vision blurs. Slowly the color fades in her eyes.

"Chelsea!" Sierra and Emma hold him back as the nurses drag their captain away. Sarah gives them orders then turns to the three waiting anxiously.

"I won't let her die, don't worry"

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