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"Okay so it's all set," Mikey and Chelsea had just finished the plan against Joubouten while the rest had gone down to the bar. The blonde stretched looking over at his girlfriend. Chelsea was muttering a few things while looking over documents.

"Okay maybe that's enough for today," he said grabbing the documents. She huffed.

"Manjirou please I still have a ton of things-"

"No you don't I know you you probably stayed three nights awake to finish the work," she chuckled.

"It was five but yeah," he rolled her eyes. He patted the seat beside him on the couch. Chelsea smiled walking to sit beside him wrapping her arms around him.

"Worried much? You never cuddle unless you're stressing about something," he said looking down at her. He noticed a few things wrong. Her roots had begun to show and her eyes were loosing color.

"I'm fine, just tired," she said. But right then her nose began to bleed.

"Fuck!" She cursed getting up. She barely made it to the table before staggering forward.

"Chel!" Mikey caught her in time holding her up sitting her back.

"Where are your meds?" She pointed at the desk. He hurried over handing her a bottle of red pills. She swallowed one and sighed closing her eyes.

"You've been using Zeus again?" She groaned.

"Mikey I-"

"You promised you'd stop using your powers, do your parents even know," Chelsea groaned once more.

"They don't need to know," he bit his lip frustrated.

"Chelsea please, whatever you're using your powers for it's probably not worth dying for!" She looked over at him.

"I'm not dying Manjirou I'll be fine, just gotta finish off a few things and I won't be using it again," she said. He took a seat beside her.

"How much longer?" She held up the watch.

"I still have 28 years to live see?" She smiled holding his hand.

"But it decreases everytime you overheat," he stated. She scoffed.

"I'm good really, don't worry about me," he sighed wrapping an arm around her waist.

"If you overheat again I'll tell your parents," she nodded.
Down in the bar the rest were chatting trying to take everything in.

"So we really are fucked," Hakkai said. Tsuna looked up from her book with a shrug.

"It'll be fine! Just gotta get Mizera," Chizelle cheered.

"How are the Hatsune and Mutsudane families like by the way?* Chifuyu asked sitting beside Sasha who seemed about ready to fall asleep.

"Well it's kind of complicated-"

"They're all a bunch of assholes," Sierra cut in. She was sat beside Pavlov keeping an eye on her.

"They act not based on what's right or wrong but on what can be done, if someone is in the way they get killed," She said.

"That's a bit, extreme" Takemitchy said warily. He looked at Chizelle wondering mostly about the time travelers within the Mutsudane clan. How many were they? How did it even come to be known by mankind and what's with the barrier.

"Well it can't be all bad if you were raised in it," Pavlov snorted making Sierra kicked her seat.

"What makes you think I'm not as messed up?" She asked. Takemitchy frowned.

"You've been helping Takemitchy since the start with the Black Dragons and with the Halloween fight, you're not so bad," Chifuyu said with a grin. Sierra looked at the ground.

"People aren't what they seem," she said. Takemitchy frowned even more. What did that mean? Was there something deeper to this? The doors of the bar suddenly opened letting in no other than Kisaki.

"For fucks sake, why're you here?" Chizelle asked. The tanned boy scoffed.

"Pleasure to see you too Chizelle, I'm here on your sister's orders where is she?" Chizelle glared at him.

"Why exactly?" He shrugged. His phone suddenly binged. Pavlov cocked her head up.

"V089," she muttered. Sierra glanced at her then at Kisaki. He looked back at them.

"Save it I'll find her myself," he said walking to the elevator. Chizelle grumbled a few words under her mouth.

"Well at least he's here alone," Sierra said. Yet as she said that a shadow loomed behind her. She jumped out of the chair in alert.

"Hiya!" The rest jumped seeing Hanma behind the bar.

"What the hell!?" He grinned at the Spanish girl.

"Missed me?" Sierra's eye twitched.

"Salete d'parasite," she cursed pulling out a baton.

"Wait no Sierra-" both Chifuyu and Hakkai had to hold her back from murdering the boy who only looked amused.

"Why're you here anyways?" Takemitchy asked. Hanma shrugged.

"Kisaki was coming and I felt like tagging along too, what's more" he glanced at Sierra.

"There's always entertainment going around the Mustudane Family," he frowned not really understanding him.
As Kisaki made it to the top he halted seeing Mikey and Chelsea talking. His eyes narrowed.
What's even so special about him, he asked clenching his fists while looking at his feet.

"Tetta!" He looked up just as the girl came running at him. Chelsea smiled at him.

"I'm glad you could make it, I'm going to need all the help I can get to gather information, you remember Mizera right?" He nodded pushing his glasses up.

"Yeah, tell me what you need," he said. He looked at Mikey with a defying look.
I'm not gonna lose to you

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