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Minyu groans as she's being treated

"Don't move" Tera says trying to heal her properly. The demon rolls her eyes. The door opens and in comes their leader, Izana. 

Izana looks at Mochi who Tera had already healed then at Minyu. 

"I take you two ran into Jiten members?" Minyu doesn't reply. 

"Answer him" She looks back at the man beside Izana wearing a mask. 

"He already knows the answer Ruby!" she groans but the man doesn't budge. She sighs. Mochi chims in.

"We ran into two at first then two others came" he sighs and looks at Izana's bodyguard. 

"We couldn't get the Hanagaki guy, sorry Ru" he shakes.

"No this is perfect, this means Mikey and Chelsea will be acting right away" he says. There's a bit of a dark tone behind the mask. Ruby looks at Izana

"What now?" Izana grins. 

"Now? We prepare"

Back at the hideout, Takemitchy was with Draken getting things together with Tsuna and Hina. Midway through the conversation they see Mikey and Chelsea come downstairs. The boys whistle as they see her in a full white red and green dress with man frills and her hair braided in two french braids. Mikey on the other hand was wearing a matching white kimono but with darker green and red prints on it.

"So it's today huh?" Takemitchy turns back to Tsuna confused. 

"What? Does she have a place to be?" Draken asked. Mikey nods.

"That's right! Today's your coronation isn't it ?" Chelsea nods. 

"What's that?" Takemitchy asks. 

"Chelsea is being officially named the head of the Mutsudane clan today" Hina explains; Takemitchy's eyes widen.

"Wha!? But aren't you...kinda young...?" he asks. Chelsea was still 16 she'd turn 17 the following month. Mikey sets a hand on his girlfriend's shoulder.

"Chelsea is very competent, even if she's young we know she has the shoulders for this" it was so rare to see Mikey this serious. It was obvious he was trying to be as supportive as he could for her. Chelsea smiles at him then nods back at their friends.

"He's right, whats more my family counts on me" she takes a deep breath then looks at her mates.

"When I'm back lets discuss the plan" Mikey looks at Draken who nods. 

"You two can go, we'll handle this properly" he says confidently. Chelsea nods. As her and Mikey leave the building three cars await. She enters the middle one then sighs. This was it, she'd be the new clan head. Mikey notices her hands shake. He smiles at her and holds one of them.

"It's okay Chel, don't think too hard, just relax" he says. She nods and squeezes his hand. 

"I just...wish I had Chizelle with me right now" she says softly. This was the first time she expressed missing her twin. Mikey knew how hard it was, Chelsea had just lost everyone in her family and 80% of her clan. And yet she was still going forward. He looks down at her life watch. 

"I know Chel, but doon't worry, when this is all over, we can go see her at the graveyard" she looks at him and nods. helsea closes her eyes. 

When she opens themm, they've arrived to the Mutsudane's second compound. This had been built in case the first one was destroyed. As she alks out, family members greet them. She is led over to a stage where one of her uncles reads out a text to her in spanish. 

"Today; my brothers and sisters , is a grande day!" He says. His voice is lound and echoes across the large yard the clan is settled in. He looks to Chelsea.

"Consuelo Rosalyn Chelsea Mutsudane, is to be named as the new leader of our Family! The Mutsudane Clan!" Chelsea's heart pounds in her chest as her palms sweat. She takes a deep breath.

"It is a day of both celebration and commemoration! For those we've lost, those we have left and those to come" a flower necklace followed a few golden medallions is brought to him. He take the flower necklace. Chelsea bows her head.

"In this day, you Consuela Rosalyn Chelsea Mutsudane, you shall lead our family, to prosperity, through pain, and protect us from the evil" he says. He takes the first golden medallion.

"In this day you are to lead us, members of the clan of fire, to victory, to correct us, and to ensure our survival" he takes the final medallion.

"You will lead with humility, courage and devotion" he looks at her and nods. 

"You are no longer child but woman and leader, it is to you we hand our lives, our future and our hope to" chelsea nods. She turns to the crowd filling over the yard.

"And in the name of our ancestors, I proclaim you, Consuela Rosalyn Chelsea Mutsudane new leader of our clan" the crowd roars with cheers and applaud to their new Head. Chelsea takes a deep breath. Mikey smiles at her from the front row. He knows what this means. Not only a change but a new beginning too

For both of them

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