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"So what now?" Chifuyu asked. They were currently walking around town. Tyler had decided to head back to inform everyone about the news but Kitsune had stayed carrying Yuzuha on her back. Sierra stretched sighing.

"I can't believe you took down their boss," she muttered. Sasha hummed whipping the blood on her hoodie as she glanced at Chifuyu.

"Quite impressive," Takemitchy laughed.

"Well, it wasn't really us if it weren't for Joubouten and Jiten we'd be dead by now," Chifuyu sighed.

"Perhaps but the credit goes to Toman," Kitsune said.

"You never had to interfere yet somehow chose to, so thanks," She said. Takemitchy grinned.

"That being said doesn't it mean that Cassidy's free?" Sasha asked. Tsuna looked at her feet.

"Sadly that's up to Cass herself," she muttered.

"What do you mean? The truce isn't valid anymore right?" Chifuyu said. Tsuna nodded.

"But this was never about a truce, Cass just feels the need to look after Taiju," She said.

"So will she-"

"I don't know but let's see how it goes,"
The two groups eventually parted. Sasha Sierra Takemitchy and Chifuyu went there own way. They still had to treat the boy's wounds which they'd do at the Jiten headquarters. As they walked Takemitchy elbowed his friend. Chifuyu groaned knowing what it was about. Takemitchy gave him a thumbs up as he went to talk with Sierra.

"H-Hey so," Sasha glanced at him.

"You, you were really cool back there, w-with the Black Dragons soldiers," he said blushing.

"Thanks, even though it wasn't much," she muttered.

"B-But still it was impressive how did you do that?" He asked. She shrugged talking about the moves and the kicks often showing him. Chifuyu kept his eyes on her listening but mostly admiring her. The snow around only made her pale skin glow even more which he loved.

"How'd you even learn all that?" She looked away.

"My brothers mostly but my dad too, he's a bit overprotective so I needed to be prepared for anything," he nodded picking up the sad tone she had.

"You don't sound happy about it," she looked at him making him look away.

"Our family split for these sale reasons so me knowing self defense really should be the minimum," she muttered looking at her feet. Chifuyu couldn't help but frown. He felt the urge to reassure her so he did. He took her hand. Sasha looked up in alert.

"Don't worry it doesn't have anything to do with you, and if you need protection, I'm here!" He grinned. She blushed a few shades but cracked a smile.

On the other hand Kitsune had the Shiba siblings stay at her place for the moment. Until things toned down with Taiju.

"Make yourself at home, I'll be making dinner," They looked around at the expensive household. It was as big as their house probably bigger.

"Does she live alone?" Hakkai asked. Tsuna shook her head taking a seat on the couch.

"Her sister often comes around but Kitsune and her don't get along well," she said.

"Really?" She nodded. Yuzuha frowned. She went over to the kitchen watching the 6ft woman make dinner.

"Can I help?" Kitsune shook her head.

"You're injured don't worry I'm good, there are rooms upstairs feel free to choose one," Yuzuha frowned.

"Won't your sister mind us?" Kitsune stopped cutting the vegetables for a moment then sighed.

"Tsuna really can't keep a secret," she sighed. Yuzuha walked over.

"Don't worry I'm sure you'll be fine, can't be as bad as us with Taiju anyways," She joked. Kitsune glanced at her.

"You don't know her, she's so irresponsible about things," she sighed again. Yuzuha shrugged helping with the tomatoes.

"Happens is it your little sister?" Kitsune chuckled walking to the meat.

"Older by two years, Tanuki might be 21 but she acts like a damn 12 year old," Yuzuha laughed.

"Tell me about it," the two rambled about their siblings preoccupied as they chatted. Yuzuha often glanced at Kitsune. She didn't seem as menacing as she thought. Actually she was a very nice person. Kitsune looked at her for a second and she stopped breathing. She looked away clutching her chest.
What's with me!?
Back on the couch Hakkai was more relaxed for once. He didn't seem as stressed when looking at Tsuna but was still admiring her. He was trying his best at the second to build the courage to as her out.

"If there's something you need to say just do tell," Tsuna said looking from the tv to him. Hakkai flinched blushing. Screw it.

"I-I like you," silence remained around them. Tsuna took a second to take in what he said.

"I know that," Hakkai's eyes widened.

"W-What!?" She smiled watching as he flushed a deep red looking away.

"Oh my god, oh my god" he muttered. She chuckled interlacing their hands.

"Took you some time," she smiled. He blushed even more looking away as she leaned on his shoulder.

"Does that mean-"

"Yes Hakkai, I like you too," the boy silently rejoiced at that.
Back at the Shiba household Cassidy had been staring out the window thoughtfully. When the front door opened she frowned. Taiju was never home this early. As she got up to go check she was met with the said Black Dragons captain. Her eyes widened seeing the state he was in and her middle school gears lit.

"Taiju!" She ran over helping him over to the couch.

"What happened? What fight did you even get into to end up like this?!" She asked though knowing she wouldn't get a reply. Yet when she went to get the first aid kit when he stopped her. Cass froze looking down at the hand holding hers.

"You were right," she turned to him in confusion.

"Taiju did something happen?" He took a deep breath.

"I'm sorry, took me too long to realize, and I'm sorry" her eyes slightly widened. He pulled her down into his lap wrapping his arms around her shoulders.

"Taiju your wound," she said even though not wanting to move.

"It can wait," she sighed closing her eyes.
Thank you Hanagaki-san

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