To be Together

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The race wasn't over because dispite hzlf of the Toman team being able to escape they still had a lot to do.

"Hey!" Both Hakkai and Tsuna looked up. Chelsea motioned them to follow her into a portal. The two grinned. They landed in the forest where the Toman gang met up at. Everyone else was there apart form a few. Mikey and Draken looked at them also full of bruises.

"Good to see you both alive," Draken said. Tsuna stretched and sighed. She looked around noticing some still not there yet.

"How many people are there left?" Mikey asked Chelsea through the portal. Chelsea peeked her head out.

"We still have to fetch Takemitchy, Chizelle, Kazutora and my brother," she said. She had a worried face on hoping she wasn't forgetting anyone.

"Let's go then I'll help you get them," he said pushing her inside. As they landed onto the other side, Mikey looked at his girlfriend.

"Don't worry we'll get them out," she nodded.
On the second last story for the building Chizelle was having a chase with Kisaki. She had spotted him in one of the offices. She was convinced he had something to do with all this and the USB he held would be proof of what she thought. She had to jump through a lot of broken ceiling pieces but was close enough.

"Chizelle wait!" Oh and she also happened to have Takemitchy and Kazutora behind her.

"She's not listening! We need to hurry we only have an hour left to get out of here!" Takemitchy said checking his watch. Chelsea had sent everyone a text about Virgil's bomb about to explode.

"Chizelle!" Kazutora himself wasn't listening. He was too busy trying to get his girlfriend away from the psychopath.
Kisaki took another turn and so did Chizelle. She halted when she was met with a whole army of demons. She groaned looking through it for Kisaki. The boy soon showed himself on a railing above her.

"Kisaki!" She yelled. He smirked.

"Seems you're stuck this time Chizelle," he said as Takemitchy and Kazutora caught up.

"Face it Chizelle you can't win against me nor Virgil, now if you just leave and never speak about this again," he held out a gun with some type of liquid in it. He pointed directly at Takemitchy.

"I won't infect Takemitchy," her eyes widened.

"You wouldn't, if you did then Chelsea will-"

"Chelsea thinks I'm at the HQ right now trying to delay the bomb exploding" he said. His smile fell into a more serious look.

"Make your choice, once I shoot you'll be attacked by these demons and you and I both know if I shoot this he'll die in seconds, what's more I don't think Kazutora can fight these demons either," she bit her lip.

"So what now?" Chizelle looked down. She had to think quickly. She turned to both boys.

"I'm sorry guys," both frowned confused. That's when the whole room got engulfed in flames. From above Kisaki gasped. The flames didn't get him but they did burn his leg causing him to fall to his knees. He looked back up just as Chizelle jumped in front of him. Her brown hair was in blue flames and her bright blue eyes were a darker blue. She looked ready to kill. Down below them were Takemitchy and Kazutora unscathed. They watched as she kicked Kisaki off to the other side of the room. Most demons were either dead or passed out from the flames.

"You seem to have severely underestimated me," she said making a spear which she lunged into the boy's shoulder making him yell out in pain. Kazutora went to stop her but Takemitchy stopped him. He looked at his friend in shock. Takemitchy shook his head.

"Don't she's in a state of rage if you get too close she'll burn you," he looked around then saw the unscathed USB. He ran to it grabbing it. Kazutora looked back at his girlfriend. If she lasted too long in that form she could die.
But Chizelle seemed determined to end this boy. As she went to give him the last blow she felt a jab in her abdomen. Her eyes widened. She looked to the side to see one of the demons. She groaned staggering back.

"Chizelle!" Kazutora yelled. She glanced at him noticing one right behind him. She couldn't blow up the place in flames again that was a one time thing she could do when transforming. She looked back at the demon in front of her. It opened a portal for Kisaki to get in. The boy smirked.

"Seems like this is over," he muttered. She growled lunging herself at him but the portal closed. She looked back behind her to see a demon holding Kazutora by the neck. Just as she went to shoot it she was stabbed once more falling to her knees.
Takemitchy turned around from the book to see both of his friends held down. His eyes widened. He quickly swiped through the book until he came over a spell.
I hope this works

"Heal the sick, raise the dead, cleanse the lepers, cast out demons. Freely you received, freely give!" In an instant both demons blew up in flames. Takemitchy sighed relieved. He ran to Kazutora helping him up. Chizelle groaned as she sat up as well clutching her side.

"He got away," she sighed. She looked at them with a sad smile.

"Sorry for dragging you both into this," she said. They shook their heads.

"It's okay, we can still make it out of here come on," Takemitchy turned back around looking for a portal spell in the book. Kazutora looked back at her relieved she was alive. As he was looking for the spell, Takemitchy saw something. It's as though his vision blurred into something. He saw Chizelle getting impaled like he did back at the skating rink. He frowned as his vision cleared.

"Takemitchy?" He turned back to them. They gave him worried looks.

"Is everything alright?" He nodded. That's when he heard a cracking sound. He frowned. Just as he looked up he saw a piece of the ceiling fall off. His eyes widened. That's when he was shoved aside. For a second he didn't know what happened. But as his mind focused again he saw it. His vision had become reality. Chizelle stood where be once was impaled. Both him and Kazutora stared in utter shock.

"Chizelle!" Kazutora ran to her trying to get the piece of ceiling off. She only stared at him light slowly leaving her eyes.

"To...ra," the two tried desperately to move at as she was losing more and more blood each second. As they finally managed to she fell over into her boyfriend's arms. Kazutora looked at her dying body holding it close to him.

"Tora, it's over," she whispered holding his arm. He shook his head.

"No no no! We can still get you back! We'll save you!" Takemitchy nodded looking for the spell in a hurry. She shook her head.

"I've ran out of aura already," both froze.

"What," Kazutora muttered. She nodded. If she was out of aura then that meant.

"I was already dying when that demon impaled me, I just had seconds left to live," this was a common thing. Entity holders would die even before their hearts stopped beating because their soul was already vanishing. They'd remain empty shells for about fifteen minutes before actually dying. This was her case. She smiled at them.

"I'll be fine, don't worry-" her hand fell limp before she could finish. Kazutora's eyes widened.

"Chizelle...?" As silence engulfed the room he let out a pained cry. Tears fell from his face as he held onto her body. He couldn't believe it. All those years all this pain. Believing they'd grow old together. And now she was gone.
Takemitchy watched from the side a heavy feeling in his chest as he looked away.

"Go," he looked back at Kazutora.

"What?" He asked. Kazutora sniffed.

"Chelsea will be here any second, in the meantime go make sure Calvin is okay," he looked at him.

"We can't let Virgil get away! So go!" Takemitchy nodded holding in his own tears as he ran off.
Kazutora looked back at his dead girlfriend with a smile.

"It's just you and me now, like we always were,"

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