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It had been an hour now since and most members of Jiten had heard the news. They were only told that this was just a panick attack and nothing else.
Calvin sat on his bed taking in the information.

"I knew Virgil was crazy but thinking he'd do this,* Tyler muttered. He looked at the new Godfather.

"What do you wanna do now?" The man from the room asked. Calvin took a deep breath. Now wasn't the time to lose his mind. He was in charge of everything from now on and it was up to him to keep his sisters safe. He looked at the man.

"Send an alert to every Joubouten Deity one member, I want everyone in the headquarters at 5am tomorrow anyone who's late will be fired," Tyler nodded. Calvin looked at the man.

"Cobra I want you to gather any top secret info undercover mission report or anything that could've made Virgil want the clan gone," Cobra nodded.

"I want a list of every potential heir for the other branches for a meeting too," he clenched his fists.

"Virgil will not make it through this month, and he will pay for this,"
As Tyler walked to the door it swung open.

"Rodrigo Alves Calvin Mustudane!" The young adult froze.
Ah shit
In came none other than Rindou Haitani. The Roponji deliquant glared at his boyfriend but it then morphed to a worried look.

"How dare you make me worry for your sorry ass," he sighed walking to his boyfriend. Rindou wrapped his arms around him. Calvin smiled. Both Tyler and Cobra took it as a sign to get out giving them some privacy. Calvin wrapped his arms around him nuzzling his face in the crook of his neck as he breathed in his cologne.

"Awe missed me darling?" Rin pulled away a faint blush dusting his cheeks.

"You're the only idiot I can stand," he muttered still gripping his clothes. Calvin smiled but it fell into a frown. He looked at the watch on his wrist.

"Your time stone is still moving?" Rindou asked. Time stones were watch or timer like objects that gave the amount of time a person with an Entitius had left. Watches were a bit more complicated to read but his showed on a small screen that he still had 5 years to live.

"Cal maybe you should pass it on to someone else," he looked at Rindou.

"Rin you know I can't do that-"

"Why not? Isn't it better then dying at a young age?" Calvin sighed.

"It wouldn't change a thing it'd just be pushing Satan onto someone else," he explained.

"Yes I know but," Rindou groaned. This wasn't their first talk.

"I know I'm sounding selfish and this is what you chose but," he took a deep breath.

"Today you fainted after throwing up all that blood and I really thought it was over, I can't do this a second time Cal," he looked at his boyfriend with glossy eyes. Calvin bit his lip looking away. He wasn't happy about it either but he didn't want someone else to suffer like he did.

"I'm sorry but my clan needs me," that pissed Rindou off.

"So I don't? Calvin I'm telling you this for both of us! You'd rather die for them then live and find a cure for this?!" Calvin looked at him.

"I'd rather die than have anyone suffer this way and I know you wouldn't want anyone's partner to suffer like you do," Rin huffed.

"I don't even know what I want right now," Calvin wrapped his arms around him holding his boyfriend's smaller frame.

"Don't worry, I'll just be careful so we can have more time," Rin sighed. Yet he knew those were hopeless words.
In the other room Chizelle had just woken up. She looked over at the weight on her hand seeing Kazutora holding it. He blinked his eyes open. He jolted seeing her jumping to hug her.

"Chizelle, I was so worried!" He pulled away I inspecting her. All the doctors told them was she had had a heart attack.

"Tora I'm okay," he didn't listen just scanning her. She sighed cupping his face.

"Tora, I'm fine, I'm not even tired," he sighed. He leaned his forehead on hers with a sigh.

"I thought I lost you," he whispered on the verge of tears.

"But you didn't," she smiled. He nodded. He pulled away looking at her seriously.

"I can't relive this situation Chizelle, so please," she frowned.

"Stop using the Hades," she looked at him with a sad smile. Her power had awakened after the fight with her sister and she had been using it ever since to time leap.

"Tora, I love you but I can't," he glared at their hands.

"Why? You're not even telling me why you're using it!" He looked back at her.

"Is there something I did?" She shook her head.

"Then why won't you tell me?! Does it have to do with your clan?" She opened her mouth to answer but shut it. Letting him in on it was too dangerous. Time leapers were unknown to society.

"Does it or not?" She sighed.

"Tora I can't tell you, you already know the situation we're in is too dangerous t-"

"But it's not worth losing you," Chizelle didn't reply just looked at their hands. Kazutora sighed resting his head on their hands.

"Just, promise me you'll eventually tell me," Chizelle nodded. She caught sight of her time stone.
45 days

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