{The Principal}

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(CW: F-slur)
Kurapika POV

Look at that smile, that stupid ass smile, that stupid ass Paladiknight. Not even a week after we got back from break and Leorio already landed us in the principal's office, great.

He smiled slightly and chuckled, "You look mad."

"I am mad. I shouldn't be here, I didn't do anything."

"True, you might have said 'You stupid fucking Mexican with your dumbass religion.', but yeah you didn't do anything. Plus I'm not even fully Mexican."

"You called me a faggot." I scowled.

"You are a faggot."

"Are you?"

"Uh hell no, that's gross."

"Then don't call me a fag-"

"Boys," The secretary said, "Stop arguing."

Leorio cleared his throat, "Yes sir, I'm sorry for disturbing you."

He scoffed in response, "Just be quiet."

"Of course."

We both fell into an awkward silence, the only noise in the entire room was the sound of the secretary clicking on his computer keys. I sighed and glanced at Leorio, he looked nervous, I wonder why.

"The principal is ready to see you now boys."

I stood up and walked into the office with Leorio following behind me.

"It's on the left." Leorio mumbled.

I nodded, "I know, I'm not dumb."

Leorio chuckled, "That is yet to be determined."

I glanced at him and scowled, "Piss off."

"Woah, language Kurapika!" Leorio exclaimed.

I rolled my eyes then forced a smile on my face as I opened the office door, "Hello Principal Netero."

A smile appeared on the old man's face, "Mr. Kurta! Hello how have you been? Oh, Mr. Paladiknight, not a surprise, but nice to see you!"

I slowly walked over to the chairs and sat down with a sigh.

"Now," Netero sighed, "Mind explaining why you two are here in the first place?"

I looked at Leorio, "Do you want to tell him or should I?"

Leorio sighed, "I called him faggot."

Netero sighed heavily, "Now why would you say that and more importantly why would you repeat it in my office?"

"You asked what happened so I told you."

"Leorio- nevermind. Kurapika why are you here?"

"I called him a stupid Mexican bastard after he called me the f-slur. I was just defending myself-"

The principal sighed, "I'm sick of you two being in my office, you're both outstanding students with great potential. I mean for heavens sake Leorio, you told me you wanted to be a doctor! And you're passing all your science classes with flying colors but you still manage to misbehave. You're parents couldn't afford to put you in this school but you and your sister got in for outstanding grades." He sighed and turned his attention to me, "And Kurapika, you're really interested in history and just like Leorio, you're passing all you classes! You two boys are in almost all the same classes! Two. Two classes you don't have together and you especially Leorio still make it in here almost every week. I've already called your father five times this year and I don't want to do it again."

Leorio shifted awkwardly in his seat, "I'm sorry Mr. Netero. I shouldn't ha-"

Netero held his hand up, "Save it young man. All three of us know what you said was wrong, and don't you ever say anything like that again. If I ever hear you say anything remotely close to that again you will be suspended or even expelled. Kurapika you shouldn't have said what you said either-"

"I was defending myself!"

"Which is why you won't be punished this time but I will call your parents to let them deal with it."

I nodded, "Yes sir."

He looked at Leorio, "As for you, you're getting a Saturday and your father will be also be called."

Leorio sunk lower into his seat, "I don't see any need to call my dad."

Netero sighed, "I'm sorry Leorio but I don't make the rules."

Leorio put his head in his hands and nodded, "How long is my detention?"

"Eight to nine."

Leorio looked up, "PM or AM?"

"Eight AM, nine PM."

"What? Why?

"You're going to help the drama club get ready for their play."

Leorio scoffed, "Are you kidding me? Eight to nine? I have stuff to do sir!"

"Should have thought of that before you did what you did Mr. Paladiknight."

Leorio glared at him, "That's bullshit. People have stuff to do on the weekend."

Netero shook his head, "I'm just doing my job."

"Job my ass. Eight to fucking nine pm? Are you a fucking stupid, I'm a teenager find a better way to punish me instead of whatever the fuck this shit is."

"We do not use that kind of language in my office or anywhere in this school." Netero replied calmly.

I cleared my throat, "I know this is none of my business but I feel like a Saturday from eight to nine is a bit too harsh due to the fact I only get a phone call home."

The principal nodded with a sigh, "Very well then. Leorio you stay to help the drama club set up and Kurapika you will come after to clean up. So eight am to twelve for Leorio and seven to nine for you Kurapika. Is that better Mr. Kurta?"

"Well I was actually hoping that you would make Leorio's punishment less harsh while mine stayed the same."

Leorio fell back into his seat and chuckled with his hand covering his eyes, "You're such a bitch. No wonder I called you a faggot."

"Young man, I already told you I will not stand for this type of behavior."

"I'm not lying! He's gay, therefore he's a fucking fag-"

"Mr. Paladiknight! I will not tell you again! That type of behavior and language will not be tolerated in this school more or less this office! I will be seeing you and only you this Saturday not to mention the next! I don't want to hear anymore arguing! Out of my office now young man!"

Leorio looked at him blankly, "Will you tell my dad about this? You know, me cussing in your office...."


Leorio shook his head, "Please don't, I'll do anything."

Netero shook, his head, "No way young man."

Leorio said something else but I was already out the door, I didn't have time to stay and watch the show.

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