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Kurapika's POV

"Mom, I don't want to eat here," I complained as we pulled up to the restaurant.

"Kurapika, stop complaining," She sighed, "It's fine, I don't see your problem."

"Mom, we're rich. Why are we eating at some three star restaurant at the edge of Manhattan, we live on the other edge."

My mom parked the car and rolled her eyes. She turned the car off and got out signaling for me to do the same.

I hesitantly got out of the car and followed my mom into the restaurant. There was Spanish music playing over the speakers and for some reason American soccer was playing on the TV.

I didn't want to be here; Leorio works here, and Leorio was flirting– teasing me during auditions. There's a very low chance that he would be working right now, but it still makes me a bit anxious.

I followed my mom and worker to a table. The man sat us down and handed us our menus, "Your server should be with you soon." He smiled before walking away.

"I decided to bring us here to support local business, it gives your dad a good reputation," My mom said scanning the menu, "Also you're getting a water."

I shook my head, "Uh, no. You dragged me here against my will therefore I'm getting whatever the hell I want."

My mom shook her head in disappointment while continuing to read over the menu.

I sighed and looked around. The decor is exactly what you would expect at a Mexican restaurant in America: Yellow walls, sombreros, maracas, and a red and blue triangle pattern.

I looked over at the kitchen door. It was silver with two circular windows, and in one of those windows was Leorio.

I wasn't surprised to see him, but more or less embarrassed. Him seeing me something other than my school uniform or theater costume? Yeah, no.

I watched him for a second. He won't be our waiter, that's too much of a coincidence.

I watched as Leorio tied his apron around his waist and pull his hair up. He winked at someone in the kitchen which made my heart jump. His hair pulled up looked nice.

Leorio came out of the kitchen holding a pen and flip book. My heart dropped when I realized he was walking to our table.

I laid my head down on the table, "Mom, if you find me dead tomorrow, know it's your fault."

My mom sighed, "You're such a drama queen."

I didn't feel like answering, I wanted to die on the spot.

"Welcome to Dos Amigos, my name is Leorio and I'll be you waiter for tonight. Could I start you off with something to drink, Sunshine?" Leorio said once he made it to our table. I could hear the delight in his voice, "I'm sorry ma'am, but I wouldn't recommend resting your head on the table, I need to put your food there."

I lifted my head up, "Shut up."

"Kurapika," My mom sighed, ""Be nice. We'll both have a water, please."

"No, thank you, I'll have a Sprite," I mumbled.

Leorio wrote something down, "Alright, and any appetizers?"

"No, thank you," My mom answered.

"I'll have your drinks right out," Leorio smiled at me, collected the menus, then left.

I sat back against the booth and shook my head.

My mom tapped me with her foot, "He's grown up."

"He just got taller," I mumbled, "Other than that he looks the same."

"Mm, I don't think so. He looks completely different, he's a handsome kid though," She shrugged, "No wonder you were blushing."

I sat up, "I was not!"

"Yes you were, and lower your voice," My mom smiled, "You're blushing again! You told me the other day that you like him."

"No!" I pointed at her, "I was confused about my feelings! I do not like him, he's the most annoying and horny man I've ever met. Today he said the most disgusting thing to me."

"Well," My mom smiled, "I don't want to hear it, excuse me."

My mom stood up and walked away. A few seconds later Leorio came over and set our drinks down.

"Are you ready to order?" Leorio asked.

"No," I mumbled refusing to look at him.

"Why's your face so pink?" He sounded amused, "Are you embarrassed to see me?"

"No! I just don't like seeing you outside of school," I crossed my arms and looked up, "It's weird, and my face isn't pink."

"It's okay Sunshine, you look cute when you blush," He winked at me before walking away.

He only does that to mess with me, he isn't actually flirting with me. I need to remember that.

I watched as Leorio waited on other tables; He would flash a smile, make a joke or two, compliment the family. It made him seem completely different.

"He's going to realize you're staring at him," My mom laughed as she sat down.

I turned my head away, "I wasn't staring at him–"

"Oh, so you were admiring him."

I shook my head and read over the menu. I was not admiring him.

* * *

When Leorio came over to take our orders he didn't do anything weird. He walked over, asked, smiled, and left. That was ten minutes ago, and in those ten minutes he didn't talk to me. I was kind of offended.

"I'm starving," My mom complained, "When Will our food be ready?"

"Mom, it's been ten minutes," I looked away from our waiter, "It'll be done soon."

"You know," She sighed, "That Leorio boy doesn't seem like an asshole to me."

"He is."

"He seems nice."

"He's not."

My mom smiled softly. I know she was messing with me, it was obvious, but she was kind of right. Leorio's not a complete asshole, it just seems like he has something going on in his life.

My phone went off in my pocket.

Leorio texted me.

"Who's that?" My mom asked.

I checked the notification and shook my head.

"It's no one," I mumbled.

I opened my phone and looked at the text:

I see you staring at me

My face turned red, I wasn't staring at him. I set my phone down and crossed my arms. I want my food, and then I want to go home.

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