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(TW: written child abuse, hypersexuality)
Leorio POV

"¡Qué coño te pasa! ¡Eres una maldita decepción!" My dad yelled at me.

I moved backward away from him, "¡Papá! ¡Siento no haber sabido que tendría un sábado! ¡Por favor, papá no me lastime!"


"It's were, and no! I would never go against Dios and ruin my body! I swear Papá!"

"Oh so you wouldn't ruin your body? Is that what you're saying hijo?"



"What? No-"

"YOU THINK XIOMARA DIDN'T TELL ME?" My dad grabbed me harshly by my wrist causing me to flinch.

"Dad! Let go of me!"

He pulled up my sleeve reveling the recent tattoo I got. He squeezed my wrist harder, "You're a fucking liar." My dad pushed my arm back causing me to fall back slightly.

I felt a sting as his hand hit my cheek hard enough to move my head to the side.

I continued to sit in silence too afraid to say anything, I was too afraid to move.

He grabbed the collar of my shirt and pulled me closer to him lifting me slightly off my bed, "You're a worthless piece of shit!" He threw me into the wall causing a hard blow to my abdomen making me loose my breath.

I grabbed my chest and tried to take a breath, but I couldn't, I couldn't breathe.

"Why'd you do it?" He grabbed me again, "¿Eh, marica?"

I took a deep breath trying to catch my breath so I could answer him, "Papá-" I took another deep breath, "please."

My dad let go of my shirt, "You are a hijo bastardo, you should've never been born." My dad kicked me in the stomach causing me to loose my breath again.

"Bastard child." He sneered as he walked up the steps and out of my room.

I sat on the ground taking deep breaths so I could breathe again.

After a few minutes of deep breathing I regained my breath. I heard the sound of footsteps and laughter as my dad and his girlfriend walked upstairs to his room following them was all five and of my younger siblings.

I lifted up the side of my shirt, "That's gonna leave a mark." I sighed and let go of my shirt, so much for him not beating me.

I stood up and grabbed my phone off my bedside table. I dialed a number and sighed as it rang.


"Hey, it's Mia right?"


"The one and only."

"Oh my god- Wait, why are you calling me?"

"Well I've been seeing you walking around in the halls and well, you're beautiful. Plus you've been my sister's friend since middle school so it's not like I just realized you exist."

"Aw thanks that's really sweet."

"Of course." I grabbed my pack of cigarettes from my drawer and pulled one out.

"I always did think you were pretty hot but um, why did you actually call me? Because Xiomara says you usually only call girls for... sex."

I put the cigarette between my lips and lit it, "She's right. I usually call girls for sex." I inhaled them exhaled the smoke.

"Are you calling me for sex?"

I shrugged, "Do you want me to?"

There was silence on the other line before she answered, "....yes."

I smirked, "Then yes, I am calling you for sex."

"How old are you now? I'm not a Freshman I got held back, remember?"She asked.

"I'm sixteen, Sophomore year, I'm not that much older than you sweetheart."

I heard her giggle, "Okay. You remember my address right?"

"Yeah of course."

"Alright then, see you soon."

* * *

Mia had her arms wrapped around my neck and legs around my waist and my hands were holding hers. She had already taken her shirt off and so did I.

She pulled away from the kiss and tried to catch her breath, "Wait Leorio, I'm a virgin."

"That's okay hermosa." I cupped the side of her cheek.

She started to kiss me again before yet again pulling away, "What if Xiomara find out? She'll kill us."

"I'm sure it'll be fine, this is just a one time thing anyway. No worries." I smiled at her as I moved a strand of her hair out of her face.

"What if you give me a STD?"

"I- I don't have a STD Mia." I said.

She put her hands on my chest and pushed back slightly, "Oh crap, my parents are home what if they hear us?"

I smirked, "I'll make sure you stay quiet."

She bit her lip nervously, "What if I get pregnant."

"You won't I brought condoms."

"But those don't always work."

I sighed, "Look, Mia, if you don't want to I won't force you to."

She shook her head, "No I want to. I'm just nervous...."

"That's fine. Do you want to do it another time-"

"No! No, I want to tonight. Right now, I'm just scared."

I took my hands off her waist, "If you're scared I won't make you, I'm not that kind of person."

She bit her lip, "No. I want to, please, I want to."


I kissed her again and moved my hands back to her waist and she moved her hands back to around my neck.

I unclipped her bra and leaned back on her bed then broke the kiss for a second, "Tell me if you want me to stop, okay Mia?"

She nodded, "Okay."


Translations for Spanish is in the comments by the paragraph

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