{Alphabet Boy}

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(CW: Slut Shaming)
Kurapika POV

I scanned the shelves of my bookcase and sighed, "Read that already, read that two times, that's horror, that one was cute, that one sucked. I have nothing to read."

I stood up and through on a pair of jeans and a t-shirt, I could just go to the library.

I walked downstairs and grabbed my library card off the table then slipped it into my pocket.

Before heading outside I looked outside and not to my surprise it was raining. I groaned and grabbed my raincoat off the coat hanger and headed outside as I slip it on.

* * *

I pulled a book of the shelf, "'Snow Falling', is this the book from 'Jane The Virgin?' Oh, it is. Interesting."

I walked over to the counter, "May I check this book out please?"

Melody sighed, "You didn't get a Saturday?"

"Nope. Probably because of my dad, Leorio got a Saturday. Highly doubt he'll go though, he probably will be too busy fucking some girl. Probably Leroute again."

"Pink haired girl?"

"Pink haired girl."

"Baise told me she was on probation." Melody whispered.

I scoffed, "No wonder Leorio want a to fuck her. Probably wants a 'hot prison chic', gross." I threw the book on the counter, "Do you know why she's on probation?"

"Selling drugs. Pretty sure Leorio got arrested for buying them but someone must've bailed him out. I don't know how though, his family is pretty poor."

I raised an eyebrow, "How'd he get into our school then? It's expensive for the amount of money his family seems to have."

Melody shrugged, "Probably because he's practically a genius or because he's athletic."

"Can't he pick one?" I sighed, "He should get expelled. He doesn't wear the school uniform, he smokes in the bathroom, I'm pretty sure he had sex with Leroute in the computer room, and he's just a huge bitch. It's like he's fucking them in order of the alphabet, alphabet boy."

"You're the actual alphabet boy."

"Ha ha very funny Melody." I joked, "I get it I'm gay, but this isn't about my alphabet it's about his."

Melody shrugged, "I'm pretty sure he's mental. Runs in the family."

I laughed, "Probably. His dad is a maniac, so is his mom. They're psycho."

"I'm pretty sure his mom and dad divorced years ago." She leaned towards me, "I heard it's because of Leorio, apparently he's the product of an affair that his dad had with his 'aunt' and also after Pietro died he started drinking."

"At twelve?" I scoffed, "What a dumbass."

"I know right?"

"Why would someone do that? It's just idiotic. I swear his family is cursed." I sighed, "Alcoholic at twelve, what an attention seeker."

Melody shrugged, "I don't know Kurapika. I think Leorio actually needs help, he's been acting different for the past few days. Something isn't right about him."

"He's probably fine. Just wants attention because he didn't get enough from his mom, the fucking man whore."

"You think he wanted to fuck his mom?" Melody laughed.

"I wouldn't doubt it. All that man does is think about sex, he's a whole ass man slut!"

"Not with his mom...that's gross. He knows better." Melody said.

"Sure he does." I sighed, "How much do you get paid working here?"

"Nothing, I volunteer here."

"Shouldn't you work at the book store? You're mom owns the place right?" I asked

"Oh I do. I work there and only volunteer here, a good opportunity for them to buy our books." She winked.

I chuckled, "Smart."

Melody handed me the book, "I know."

"When's your shift over?"

"Um...like thirty minutes. Why?"

I shrugged, "Just wondering. See you on Monday."

I walked out of the library and opened the book to begin reading, I didn't care if it was raining, my dad can pay for the fines if I ruin the book.

I looked up a few times to make sure I didn't run into anyone, I did once or twice but I didn't really care.

I couldn't stop thinking about what Melody said, was Leorio okay? The more that I thought about it the more she seemed right. He hasn't been acting right, not for a few days but for a few years. But I shouldn't worry about it, he hasn't worried about me since sixth grade.

* * *

"Oh," I said walking inside, "you're home early."

"Yeah I am." My dad sighed, "Where were you? I've been home for at least twenty minutes."

"I was at the library talking to Melody, and got a book."

My dad raised an eyebrow, "Did you walk there alone? By yourself?"

"Uh...yeah, I did. Why?"

"Kurapika you can't be going places alone! More or less walking there! What if you got kidnapped or killed?"

"Dad...it was only a ten to fifth-teen minute walk." I replied walking into the living room.

"That doesn't matter anything can happen. I just don't want something to happen to you. As your father I'm allowed to be worried."

I sighed, "Alright, but I was fine."

"Be careful, please."

"I will dad." I leaned back on the couch, "Wanna watch a movie?"


I grabbed the remote and scrolled through the movies before deciding on one, I didn't watch it though, I just read my book until I fell asleep.

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