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(CW: mentions of abuse, panic attacks)
Leorio's POV

"Paladiknight," Principal Netero groaned, "my office now."

I rolled my eyes and followed him into the office.

I could easily guess why I was in here. I felt like shit yesterday, so I did what made me feel better. Also, Isacc was in one of the chairs by the desk.

I sat down in the other chair in the office.

I shot a glare at Isacc, which said, 'What the fuck did you do? I'll beat the shit out of you.'

Mr. Netero cleared his throat, "Do you know why you're here?"

"No, sir," I lied.

Isacc shook his head, "I don't either."

The principal started typing on his computer. After a few seconds of typing, he looked back at us.

"Do you want to explain what you were doing in the locker room?"

Neither of us said anything. I didn't want to tell the truth. I would say anything other than what we were doing. If my dad found out what we did, I would be dead. My dad is not supportive of anything, including me having sex with guys.

Netero sighed, "What were you doing, boys? I don't have all day."

God, I'm so stupid.

"Smoking," I answered, "We were smoking."

Principal Netero nodded. He tapped his fingers on the desk and sat back.

He knew I was lying. Fuck.

"Okay," The Principal said, "Okay."

Our principal leaned forward and pressed a button on the phone, "Bean, please call down Kurapika Kurta. I believe he's still walking in the halls."

"Yes sir," A voice replied.

I looked over at Issac, he obviously had no idea what Netero was talking about either.

"Paladiknight," The Principle said, "You look confused. Here let me show you something."

Netero turned his computer around. It was security footage from outside of the locker room (obviously, our school isn't that terrible). Our Principle tapped the space bar and the footage began to play.

I tapped my finger as the video played. At first, it showed everyone leaving the locker room except for Isaac and me. I stopped tapping my finger when I saw Kurapika enter the frame.

I sulked in my seat as I watched the video.

Jesus, I'm fucked. If Kurapika tells Netero the truth, then Netero will tell my dad, and if my dad knows what happened then I'm dead.  My dad would seriously kill me, or he would punch me till I start to swallow my blood. Would he even take me to the hospital? I've had to call the ambulance by myself since I was twelve. I don't think he would beat me to death, no he wouldn't, or I wouldn't let him. If I was dead then one of my siblings would become the next punching bag. I'm overthinking it, but am I? Who am I kidding? My dad doesn't care if he kills me. I was starting to panic, my chest was tightening, and I couldn't breathe.

"Paladiknight," Principle turned the computer back to him, "Are you alright?"

I nodded, "Mhm."

I wasn't okay. I shouldn't have thought about my dad finding out.

"You don't look too good," Isaac said.

I tapped my foot on the floor. I was nauseous and dizzy. I need to go to the nurse before something happens.

I looked over at the door when it opened.

"Kurapika," Netero sighed, "I'm going to be straight with you here because Leorio is obviously not okay. Kurapika, what did you see Leorio and Isaac doing in the locker room?"

"Sir, I didn't see–"

"There's security footage of you walking into the locker room, and walking out shocked. If you don't tell me in the next thirty seconds, all three of you will get a week's detention and all of your parents will be called," He glanced at me, "no arguments."

Fuck. No, no, no, my dad's going to kill me.

"They were smoking," Kurapika said, "I saw them smoking."

"Okay," Our principal said, "Detention starts next week. All of you are dismissed, and Kurapika go take Leorio to the nurse."

Kurapika mumbled something under his breath, which only made me more panicky. I couldn't do this. My heart was pounding.

Kurapika walked over to me, "Come on."

* * *

Kurapika walked beside me in the hallway. I was still panicking, but I was calmer because of Kurapika.

"What's wrong with you?" Kurapika asked.

I didn't answer.

"It's obvious you're having a panic attack, but why? You should've known you were going to get caught."

"It's not because of that, so stop jumping to conclusions," I mumbled.

"Well, then what is it?" 

I shook my head. I couldn't tell him, I couldn't tell anyway. If I told someone, then they'd tell the counselor, the counselor would call CPS (who hasn't helped us in 4 years), then CPS would call the police, and the police would investigate. My dad would kill me.

I rubbed my arm, where the bruises were. I tried not to wince, flinch, or make any movements when my hand came in contact with them. 

Kurapika sighed, "Whatever it is, it'll be okay. It could take days, weeks, or months, but it'll be okay. I know it will."


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