{Wheels on the Bus}

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Kurapika POV

"Mom why the fu– why didn't you wake me up?" I yelled running downstairs, "Now I won't have time to eat breakfast, brush my hair, put in my earrings, or do my homework that I said I completed, but didn't because I have study hall today!"

I threw on my vest and grabbed my backpack off the couch, "I'm telling you right now woman you're lucky I have a hairbrush in my locker, or I would kill you then myself!"

"Kurapika calm down, the bus will be here in five minutes you won't be late." My mom said putting on her jacket.

I slipped on my shoes then pointed to my hair, "Do you see this mom? My hair is still wet and it will be a mess once it dries! And I don't have five minutes I have two, plus I also have to go to the end of the street so I'll be heading outside right now! Have a good day mom I love you!"

I ran outside and down the street, "Fuck, fuck, fuck."

I eventually got to the end of the street before the bus pulled up. I put my hand on the stop sign and leaned over breathing heavily. I looked up, the bus was right down the street.

I groaned and stood up straight.

The bus pulled up in front of me, I smiled at the bus driver as I got on, "Good morning Mr. S."


I sat down and sighed resting my head on the seat in front of me, "Fuck my life."

I rubbed my hands on my knees and sighed, I can already tell that my day will fucking suck. I almost missed the bus, I have a French test, a Biology test, my hair looks like crap, and I'm pretty sure I forgot to grab my family's crest.

I looked beside me and sighed.

"Surprising," I mumbled when I saw Leorio sitting in the seat across from me, what wasn't surprising was the fact he was on his phone.

I pulled my phone out of my pocket as the bus came to a stop. Saying I'm the second stop the bus makes the bus ride usually takes a long time.

"Omg– what the fuck, was it not charging?" I groaned. My phone was only at twenty-three percent and I still had a forty-five-minute bus ride and a seven-hour school day.

After a few minutes the bus stopped at another house, then another, another, another, and another.

I hate being at the second bus stop, thankfully I'm not the first, I couldn't imagine living in the Bronx, the south side nonetheless.

I sighed and looked out the window, it looked so cold out, I mean I knew it was cold out. I ran down the street, without a coat, and it was fucking cold. Wait...I forgot a coat, fuck. I shook my head, this sucks.

After a few more stops the bus started to get loud, I could hear two boys yelling behind me, I was terrified and since my phone was dead the only way to distract myself from all the noise was to count trees, dogs, how many red cars I saw, how many blue cars I saw, and— oh my god this is so fucking boring.

I sighed and looked across from me, "Oh my fucking god gross."

I looked away and covered my eyes. Oh my god, why are teenagers so damn horny? Some girl had her hand on Leorio's...crotch. He had his hand on her thigh, her upper thigh, that was underneath her skirt.

Trying to distract myself (this time from the two beside me instead of my dead cellphone) I looked around listing things other people were doing: the driver trying to ignore the teenager fingering a girl sitting beside him, the people smoking weed in the back, counting the passing cars again, Jason mooning the passing cars (which is gross), and the driver still ignoring it. God Mr. S really sucks at his job, someone should fire him, he doesn't even have his camera on.

I glanced at the seat beside me again, still extremely gross, but interesting...oh my god what am I doing? Why do I have to be a part of the group of teenagers that are so damn horny?

Thankfully they finished (interpret how you want) and immediately Leorio moved to the back to "hit" something else, specifically weed instead of a vulnerable freshman who's not aware of how many women Leorio has fucked and played around with. Who smokes weed right before school? It's idiotic, he doesn't do it every day but it's terrible to do it, going to school high? Really? Also, his sister rides this bus, wherever she is. What's her name? I knew her when she was in kindergarten till she was in the fourth grade but I forget it god I miss her, she was really sweet, and liked when I started to grow my hair out...her brother hated it though. But who cares about his opinion anymore, the only people who care are the girls who want to know if they're good in bed.

I heard a loud laugh from the back of the bus, which was obviously Leorio.

"Leorio shut up!" Some girl screamed from a few seats in front of him.

"Oh come on Xo! What's wrong I'm just having fun before school? Worst sister ever." He laughed.

"God, you're embarrassing." She sat back down and shook her head.

Okay, so Xo is her name. Unless that's just some nickname, which I'm guessing is because I don't think Leorio is exactly in the right mindset to remember his sister's full name.

The bus got louder, mostly the back of it anyway. I'll never understand why Leorio is so popular? Just because he doesn't have to wear a uniform, fucked multiple girls who said he was good in bed, smoking weed or nicotine, is the only non-white kid in the high school, smart, handsome, tall, has nice hair, and so fucking sex- annoying. He's so annoying, all he does is talk about sex and his dad. How does that make him popular? I will never understand straight, homophobic, transphobic, racist, sexist, and downright nasty teenage boys.

Leorio's friends were just so annoying, I have no idea how he can like them, he use to be the nicest kid in elementary...until. Whatever it's not important but what is important is the fact that we were at the last bus stop, which meant only five minutes left on this horrible bus ride. I was over exaggerating the bus ride it's forty-five minutes, maybe just thirty, but it seems like sooo much longer especially when the boys in the back won't shut up even when their sister tells them.

Oh god, why do I always make things about him? God he's always on my mind, ew I feel like a freshman who just met him. It always goes the same way for the freshmen, he's all sweet, starts flirting, gets in their pants or in this case skirts, and then leaves. All in one to three days. For the girls in our second year, he just goes for it. Juniors it's the same thing as freshmen but he acts innocent and sweet. And for the Seniors, it's saying he's eighteen, flirting, and of course sex. He never tells them he's a Sophomore he just lets them figure it out by themselves and- oh my god! Why can't I go a minute without thinking about him? Or the girls he's fucked! Ugh! Am I thinking of both of them in a jealous way? Him because he's, well...well the girls because they were all fucked by him, but why would I be jealous of them for that? For fucking him? Oh, come on that's stupid...but reasonable.

Okay. Whatever. I'll just talk to my mom about this when I get home, which is now in seven hours because we have finally made it to the school after a long very uncomfortable bus ride.

"Shit!" I yelled. I really did forget my coat.

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