{Into You}

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Kurapika's POV

I never thought I would see Leorio Paladiknight have a panic attack, especially a panic attack that landed him in the nurse's office.

"Inhale, exhale," The nurse said, "Inhale, exhale, inhale, exhale."

Leorio followed the nurse's instructions.

The nurse smiled, "You're doing great, Leorio. Have you been taking your meds?"

Leorio shook his head, "My dad won't let me re-fill them, he says: 'Los médicos solo te están dando medicamentos normales y escriben cosas elegantes en ellos para hacerte pensar que están haciendo algo.' Which in English is basically, 'they're placebos'. Can you bring me a cup of water, please?"

The nurse nodded and went into the backroom.

Leorio turned to me, "Thank you, Kurapika."

"No problem, you didn't look okay," I looked up at him.

"But," He smirked, "Why'd you lie? I know you didn't think we were smoking."

I shrugged, "Maybe I thought Isaac was smoking a penis-shaped bong."

"I'm not gay," He looked down, "I like women."

"You don't need to talk about it, it's okay."

"But," He looked back, "I figured out why you lied. You like me."

I chuckled, "Oh please, why would I like you? You're— you have a dangerously high sex drive, you're at least seven inches taller than me, right now you're giving me a weird look, yesterday you made a sexual comment about the way I sat— which I didn't enjoy— you complimented my ass, I did not like it either. Don't look at me like that. Leorio, I don't like you."

"You're blushing," He teased.

"Am not!"

He smiled at me. I could feel myself blushing, but I'll deny it till my death.

"Here's your water," The nurse handed Leorio a cup.

The nurse looked over at me, "Kurapika, do you need something?"

"No thank you, I was just walking him down and back in case he's still rolled up a bit," I smiled at the nurse.

The nurse nodded and went back into the office.

Leorio chugged his water, "You're walking me back to class? How romantic."

I stood up and grabbed my stuff, "It isn't romantic, I'm being a nice person. Also you might need an alibi for why you're late, because last time it was obviously a lie."

Leorio chuckled as he stood up and threw out his cup. Leorio picked up his stuff and smiled at me. I'll be honest; when he smiled, I felt my heart skip a beat.

"You know," Leorio began to walk out, "I'm surprised you haven't insulted me yet."

"I'm surprised you haven't given me a backhand compliment."

Leorio shrugged, "One of those days."

We walked in silence for a bit. Neither of us said anything, we barely talk without arguing.

"Oh, by the way," Leorio smirked at me, "I bet you'd love my drive."

* * *

I was embarrassed. Hours later I was still thinking about Leorio's "drive" comment. I spent the rest of first period and the entire second to third period glancing at him and thinking certain things. Now I'm sitting in the chorus room waiting for rehearsals to start, and also waiting for Leorio to walk in and not sit beside me.

For the past two days thinking about Leorio has caused me so much embarrassment same with talking to him. He would walk into the room and my eyes would dart away from him. I wished he would stop being himself.

"Kurapika," Leorio sat down, "You have a song prepared?"

I looked away from him, "Of course. Do you?"

"Yeah," Leorio sat back.

I looked over at Leorio. He—thankfully—wasn't looking back at me. I looked away once I thought back to the past two days.

Leorio is so weird and so weirdly hot.

The door opened and the drama instructor walked inside the room.

"Good afternoon kids, I'm Ms.Sara," The instructor said, "We're only here 'till five–thirty so I'll quickly explain what we'll be doing today. First off, I'll be handing out a paper to all of you to fill out; it will have your name and contact information on it. Second, we'll be doing your songs, everyone should have a song prepared and if you don't, you're out of luck. Third, we'll be doing line readings and then we'll discuss more details."

Leorio turned to me, "What song are you doing?"

I looked over at him, "Why do you care?"

Leorio shrugged, "Just interested."

"I'm doing 'Waving Through A Window' from Dear Evan Hansen, you?" I grabbed the paper from the instructor.

"Of course," Leorio smiled, "One of the gayest musicals."

"It isn't gay! It's about a straight guy who pretends to be friends with a dead straight guy. My god, Leorio, you make everything I do seem gay."

Leorio chuckled then started to fill out his paper.

I rolled my eyes and began to fill out my paper as well. Basic information like your name, grade, contact information, who you're hoping to get, and etc.

"Sunshine," Leorio leaned over to look at my paper, "Who do you wanna get?"

"Who cares?"

"Me and the drama instructor," He read my paper, "That's your email?"

"It's a normal email," I replied.

"I know, I thought it would be something like blondegaytwinkwholikesitintheass gmail-dot-com," He smirked and looked up at me, "But that's probably your personal email, huh Sunshine?"

"Leorio," I looked at him, "I'm starting to think that you're flirting with me. You've said the weirdest shit to me for the past two days."

"There's a lot more weird shit I could say," He leaned over and slid his hand on top of mine, "Or that I could do, if you asked politely."

"Everyone, bring up your papers," Ms. Sara said.

Without saying a word, Leorio stood up and took his paper to the front.

I stared at him as he walked away. I must've misheard that, or at least interpreted it in the wrong way. Leorio wouldn't say that to a guy– to me.

My face felt hot. I couldn't tell if I was blushing from embarrassment or because I was into it.

I stood up and brought my paper up to the front. I was ignoring Leorio, or trying to. When I walked past the bastard, he smirked and winked at me.

How does he not get embarrassed by being himself? By being his annoying, hot– unattractive, slutly self.

I wish he was less attractive, maybe then I would hate him as much as I should.

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