Chapter 2 -- The Break Up

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Hey y'all! Thanks for reading! Enjoyyyyyyyyy!! Uhm, I linked Taylor Swift's "If this was a movie". I don't know. I think it fits Dylan's situation? Idk. You tell me. Lol! Here's Dylan ----------------------------->

[ Dylan’s POV ]

I woke up feeling giddy and happy. I got up and stretched, I checked my phone and it’s nine o'clock in the morning already. Good thing classes won’t start until tomorrow. I glanced over Brett’s bed and he’s not there. Hmm, I wonder where’d he go. I rolled out of my bed and went to the bathroom. I looked into the mirror to check myself out. Damn, hon. You look sexy.

I washed my face and brushed my teeth. Now that I got think about it, maybe going here is not a bad idea. I mean, I have a nice roommate and he somehow made me feel like I belong here. After doing my morning routine, I walked out of the bathroom.

I went back  to my bed to check my e-mail only to find one from my boyfie. Yes, I am gay and I have a boyfriend. His name is Tyler and We’ve been together for two years now. I felt a surge of happiness flooding my veins. I clicked the e-mail and waited for it to open.

Subject : We need to talk!

Message :         Hi babe! I miss you so much! I wish that we could be together for our 26th month anniversary. I really don’t know what to say right now, but I think we should break up. This long distance relationship thing’s not really working out for me. I’m not only doing this for myself but I’m also doing this for you.  I think we should both just focus on our studies and just forget all about our relationship.

I’m sorry if I didn’t have the guts to say it in person. It’s just that I don’t really know what to do, so maybe you can call it a cowardly move? I really am sorry. I didn’t mean to hurt you. Really! And I want to tell you something. I wouldn't call it cheating on you because the day you left Dublin, I assumed everything was over for the two of us.

Um, d' you remember Justin? We kind of started dating two days ago and he really is a great guy. He always makes sure that I am fine and okay. And he didn't ditch me for some lame ol' trip to somewhere. I hope that you'll understand. It's just that I really think that we should just stop this relationship once and for all. You deserve someone better than me Dylan, trust me. I've been an ass to you for the past years and you know that. I'm really really sorry Dyl. Bye. Take care.

-       Tyler

[ A/N : Cue music!! :) ------------------------> ]

Oh. My. God. I had to re-read it a million times just so I could digest the fact that my fucking boyfriend just broke up with me. Did I do anything wrong? Do I really fucking deserve this? And who the fuck is Justin? He started dating other people without properly beaking up with me? It's not that I wanted him to break up with me it's just that I feel like a sore loser.

I loved him so much. It felt real, it felt magical to me. But did he feel the same way or was it just me who felt it?

Tears filled my eyes and they started to overflow. The pain was just too much to handle. I felt like my world’s crumbling down. All I did for the past few hours was bawl my eyes out. It really hurts. It felt like someone just shoved their hand in my chest and ripped my heart out and tear it to million pieces.

My depression was cut off by the turning doorknob. I was taken aback so I did the best thing to do. I quickly hid under my covers. I peaked a little bit and saw Brett coming in.

He chuckled. “Damn, bro! You surely love to sleep. Good morning!” He said enthusiastically. He lookd like he had a good night sleep. Well, I had too until I saw my boyfriend– ex - boyfriends's e-mail.

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