Chapter 13 -- A little too late? I hope not.

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Hi guys! I'm back. Hope you guys are still enjoying my story. Anyway, last chapter's drama was too much to handle so I had to rest for a while. lol Here's chapter 13 and hope you guys like it!

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[ Dylan’s POV ]

All I felt was anger, all I felt was fury rushing through my veins. I glared daggers towards him and the next thing you know, he was crying, running towards the door. I looked at Trevor and he looked a bit disappointed.

Stephanie ran after him, screaming his name, asking him to come back.

I got up and walked towards the club’s exit, Trevor following me. I walked past all the people and went to the club’s parking lot. I peered a little and saw Stephanie and Brett talking, Stephanie rubbing Brett’s back.

What I said back there was harsh and I am aware of that. It all just came out of nowhere. Maybe it was the alcohol kicking in but after what happened, I can say that I am completely sober now. I turned around when I felt Trevor’s hand on my shoulder.

I know that he was trying to lessen the guilt I am feeling right now but to be completely honest, I don’t think anything can make me feel better. I didn’t mean to hurt Brett’s feelings. It’s just... um, well… I don’t know. *SIGGGGGHHH*

I fished out my phone from my pocket and typed a text message. "Is he alright?" I pressed send and waited for a reply from Stephanie.

My phone vibrated and I quickly read the message. "Are you serious? Like dead serious? How can you even ask that? You said lots of nasty stuff and you’re asking me if he is alright?" My eyes stung with tears. I didn’t mean to hurt him, I really didn’t want any of this to happen.

"I didn’t mean to hurt him Steph. You know I’m not the kind of person to hurt other people’s feelings." I replied. I waited for her reply and when I saw her message, I wasn’t able to hold back the tears anymore.

"Not now Dyl. Let’s talk some other time. I need to make sure that Brett could get home safe and sound. Go take a cab with Trevor. You guys take care, okay? Text me when you’re home." She said.

I clutched my chest because the pain was too much. I didn’t mean to hurt him, I really don’t. I slumped on the floor, hugging my knees to my chest. I fucked up real good. I mean, yes it’s true, I hated Brett for being an asshole but I didn’t want to cause him pain.

Trevor knelt down to my level, lifting my chin up to look at him.

“Everything will be okay, babe. I know you didn’t want any of this to happen.” He said, giving me a reassuring smile. Just his smie made me feel a little bit better. I felt like despite of everything that happened, there's still someone who will understand me.

I nodded, sniffling. “Thank you babe but I really feel like crap right now. I didn’t mean to inflict harm on others.” I said, sobbing. I looked down and fiddled with the hem og my shirt, nibbling on my lower lip.

“Yes, I know. I know that you’re not that kind of person babe. Come on, get up. Let’s go.” He said, helping me to stand up. He wrapped me into a tight hug and somehow, it made me relax. I rested my head on his rock - hard chest.

“Thanks babe. For always being there for me. Um, well.. erm.” I said, choking out the last part.

“What is it, love?” He said, beaming his pearly white teeth. His smile made my heart swell with joy and happiness. Thank you Lord! For real, thanks for making our paths cross in this cruel world.

“Could I stay in your apartment just for tonight? I don’t think I can face him after what happened.” I said, pouting. *SiGGGGGHHH* I’ll have to deal with this in the morning. I’m emotionally and physically drained right now.

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