Chapter 6 -- Will you go on a date with me?

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Hey y'all I'm back with a new chapter. Sorry, had writer's block which sucked really bad. Tell me whatcha think okay? COMMENT AND VOTE!! Picture of Mission beach, Belmont Park and Trevor and Dylan's outfit, sponsored by H&M. loljk. Enjoy!

[ Trevor’s POV ]

Aw, what a beautiful day. Perfect weather. The sky is clear and blue. The light breeze blowing makes it cozier and more relaxing.

To me, it feels enchanting to meet someone like Dylan.

He’s a really simple guy which what attracts me the most. There’s this simplicity that radiates from him. I can see that he is not just a pretty face. He is also beautiful inside. He is really kind that at some point it bugs me. He easily forgives people even though he has been hurt.

He is not the type of person to judge you on what you are or what you do. As much as he can, he will try to understand you. Also, he is a very comforting person. He’ll do anything just to make you smile. I should know, when I told him about my parents disowning me he did every goofy thing known to man just to make me laugh and smile. Which is really sweet of him.

I giggled at that thought which made my cheeks burn a little bit.

Sigh. So, today’s the the day that I’ve been waiting for. Me and Dylan, on a date. How wicked is that? Knowing that I’ll get to spend some time with Dylan today is really delightful. Just the thought of us together makes my stomach twist and turn. I feel like butterflies are about to come out of my tummy.

But first things first, dinner reservations. I got up from my bed and fetched my phone from the nightstand. I dialed the restaurant’s landline and waited for someone to answer. It rang four times and a girl spoke.

“Hello,  this is 5 Star Grill. How may I help you?” She said.

“ I would like to make some dinner reservations for tonight at 7:00PM.”

“Sure thing, sir! Your full name please?”

“Trevor Knights.”

“Okay, sir. Thank you so much for choosing 5 Star Grill.”

“Okay. Bye.”

I dialed another number and it’s Dylan’s. It rang three times then he picked up.

“Hello, Dylan?”

“Hey, Trevor. What’s up?”

“I’ll pick you up at 5:00PM. Okay?” I said.

“Hm, okay. See you later.”

“Yeah, See you. Bye.”


I threw my phone on my bed. Now, what to do? What to do? Oh, yeah. I need to shave. I went to the bathroom and got some shaving foam. I rinsed my face first with warm water then I applied a small amount of foam. I fetched my shave from the counter and did my thing.

Now that I look smashing, I need to buy new clothes. I want to wow and impress Dylan. I mean, just look at him. He’s a demi-god.

I went out of my flats and walked towards the Taxi bay. I waited for a cab which felt like forever. Finally! After ten years of wai- Oh, I’m just kidding. After ten minutes a cab finally arrived. I entered the cab and told the driver to take me to Fashion Valley Mall.

The cab took the U-turn and drove straight ahead. California is really gorgeous. The people’s really nice too. I mean, they have this genuine smile that just makes you want to smile as well. Somehow, the drive to the mall was really relaxing.

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