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How To Ruin A City will be getting a sequel! Expect How To Save A City near the beginning to mid 2022.

If you have experience making covers and want to submit one for How To Save A City, it would be greatly appreciated as I'm no longer in contact with my old cover maker. You can contact me through my DMs if you're interested.

Onto the survey:

How do you feel about the pacing? When did it seem like the story actually started?

Did you enjoy the dialogue? Do you have any critiques for it?

What was your favorite moment in HTRAC and why? What did you dislike? Were there any scenes that you had an emotional attachment to?

What made you decide to stick with HTRAC and read to the end?

What needed more development?

Was there anything missing?

What's your overall opinion of the fight scenes? Were they hard to read or engaging?

What's your overall opinion on the use of superpowers in the story?

If there's one thing you could critique about my writing, what would it be?

Which characters did you love? Which did you hate?

Did anything happen to change your feelings on a character?

Favorite dynamics and/or relationships? Any you wanted to see more of or felt lacked development? Any new dynamics you want to see?

There are several different points of view that have been considered for the sequel. Nic/Catalina, Zack/Luna, or Chloe/Lucca. Which set of POVs would you like to see in HTSAC?

What do you want to see in the sequel?

What characters are you hoping return, or make more appearances?

What kinds of villains are you hoping for in the next book?

What plot threads do you expect to reappear?

Any lingering theories or questions?

This is just a spot for anything else you might want to comment on, like screaming at me over the ending:

I want to give a huge, HUGE thank you to everyone who read this book, even if you didn't vote or comment. I really enjoy reading through comments but just adding it to your library or reading list and sticking with me through the end means so much to me. This book is dedicated to my readers first or foremost. I don't know if I would've finished it if I never published it in the first place and had your support. Thank you and I hope to see you guys in the sequel.

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