Chapter Four

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After filling out paperwork so I could collect my paycheck, I finally got to head home to I could get a nap in before getting the inevitable notification from TVAH that Glacier was robbing a movie theatre. I was already exhausted from setting a villain hellbent on making me fall in love with her on fire. I just hoped Ice Cube would have the decency not to stab me again.

I didn't get to sleep, though. As soon as I tried, my mom came up to my room. Apparently we were going to an old friend's house so I had to look "nice". I always looked nice.

Ugh. Shouldn't she have lost touch with her high school friends by now? Who let moms get on Facebook?

I wasn't surprised at all when Catalina answered the door to this old friend's house. I mean, she obviously was said old friend's daughter, not the old friend. I probably didn't need to explain that. You aren't an idiot. At least, I don't think you are, dear reader. But I really don't care if you are and I don't care about your personal life.


Some unknown force, probably fate, kept making me run into Ice Cube anywhere I turned and I was honestly getting sick of it. It would be more shocking if I didn't see her everywhere at this point.

"Catalina, is that you?" my mother cooed, capturing the poor girl in a hug. "Look at how much you're grown up! I haven't seen you since you were a baby. Isn't she pretty, Nic?"

"I guess," I muttered.

Ice Cube glared at me like I insulted her. I returned the look and crossed my arms. watching as Catalina pulled away from my mother.

"Mom's inside cooking." She opened the door and waited for us to walk inside.

I waited until my mother was out of earshot before grumbling, "I can't believe our moms were friends."

"I can't believe my mom has friends," Catalina responded.

I snorted. "Daughter of the year award goes to you."

I examined Catalina silently. She didn't look half as emo when she was at home. Her hair was curled and, for some reason, she was wearing makeup. I wouldn't have even noticed if I wasn't staring at her face.

"What is it? Is there something on my face?"

I squinted. "Mascara, I think."

Catalina crossed her arms and scoffed. "That's creepy, Ginger. The makeup isn't even that noticeable. I was practicing for Halloween." She frowned. "There's not still blood on my face, is there?"

"No," I responded, glancing at her outfit. It was a red shirt and jean shorts. I couldn't comprehend why she'd be wearing jean shorts in the middle of October. It wasn't like they'd be comfortable either.

EW! Wait, am I checking her out?! No!

Catalina peered into the kitchen. Our moms were talking in hushed tones at the counter.

Catalina's mother glanced over at us before kicking us out of the kitchen. "Dinner isn't ready yet. It's great to see you again, Nic." I frowned. I'd never met this woman before. "Kitty Cat, why don't you show Nic the game room? You two should get to know each other. You use to play at the park together when you were babies."

I shot a glance at Catalina.

We use to know each other?

I snickered when Ice Cube grabbed my hand and dragged me down the hall. "Kitty Cat is getting added to your list of nicknames."

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